Past Meetings and Feelings

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Stiles POV

Hi my name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but I just go by Stiles.
I'm sixteen years old and I go to Beacon Hills high with my best friend Scott McCall.
We always get into trouble, yet our parents don't punish us, but I don't mind.
Scott and I were in the woods a few nights ago, looking for a dead girl.
I heard my dad talking to his deputies about the dead girl, so I went to Scott and we went looking for her.

Soon I found myself face to face with the police search dog, Scott was hiding behind a tree.
When the deputies pointed their guns at me my dad stepped forward and said, hold on this little delinquent belongs to me, he asks if Scott was out there too.
I said no, my dad walked me back to my jeep, roscoe.

The next day Scott told me that he was bitten by some sort of animal, turns out it was a werewolf.
From the moment we found out that werewolves exist our lives have been a rollercoaster and it's only been two weeks.

A few days ago we met Derek Hale, a very intimidating guy, but also very intriguing and he fascinates me so much that I want to get to know him better.
However that might be a problem because he hates us and by us I mean me.

I've been trying to find a way to get Derek to like me better, but I don't want Scott to know yet.
I don't know what to do.
I've tried being nice to him and helping where I can but that isn't good enough, he just keeps threatening to rip my throat out with his teeth.

I don't know how I'm supposed to interpret that, I know that when someone bullies you it means that they like you or have a crush on you, so does this mean Derek likes me or does he have a crush.
How do I get him to admit it?
Maybe I should tell Scott, he might be able to help me on this since he knows Derek better than I do.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my dad calls me from downstairs.

"Stiles get down here, you're going to be late for school. Scott is waiting, hurry up".

"Yes, dad, I'm almost done, wait Scott is here when did he get here?"

"I got here 10 minutes ago Stiles," Scott says from behind me and I almost jump out of my skin.

"Holy crap Scott, don't do that again okay, you will give me a heart attack," I say to him spinning around as i clutch my chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just came to see where you were since you are taking so long".

"Oh, sorry about that... I was just lost in thought, but hey let's go before we're late. We don't want Coach to bite off our heads for being late to his class... again".

"No we don't let's go," he says and then we both run down the stairs.

I yell bye to my dad as I run out of the front door.
We get to Roscoe and get in, I start the jeep.
Soon we pull up at the school and jump out, we run to our lockers, grab our things and then we run to class. We get there and take our seats just as coach walks in out of his office I turn to Scott and we give each other a thumbs up.

As soon as Economics is over we head to English and after English we have history, then lunch.
Scott and I are in the cafeteria, we're talking about Derek and the Alpha, when Allison, Lydia, Danny, and Jackson join us at our table.
I look at Scott, and he looks at me, with both worry and confusion and before I know it Scott is agreeing to a double date with Lydia and Jackson at the bowling alley.

Problem is, Scott hasn't bowled since he was eight at a birthday party this date is going to be a disaster.

Soon the school day is over and I'm driving home, that's when my mind starts wondering, but not to Derek, as you would think but to Jackson.
He has been bullying me for as long as I can remember, does that mean Jackson likes me or has a crush on me. Well that would make sense, since he is only bullying me.
Wow, now that is a twist in events, who could have thought he would like me or have a crush on me that is so wild.

I get home and go to my room, I walk in and throw my bag on the floor, pulling my shirt over my head.
As I'm doing this, I'm looking at my laptop to see if the research I did has finished printing, it hasn't.
When I turn around to go grab a fresh shirt from my drawers, I yelp and almost jump three feet into the air at what I see.

There on my bed, in all his glory, is none other than Derek Hale himself. As I calm down from the fright I got, I sit down in my swivel chair and we just stare at each other in silence for 5 minutes, then I decide to break the silence.

"What the hell are you doing here Derek?" I ask, as I get up and walk to my drawers grabbing a shirt and putting it on.

"I came to warn you, the alpha will stop at nothing to get Scott to join his pack.
He will kill everyone that Scott cares about or he will give them the bite, starting with Melissa and then he will come after you and your dad.
He will even go after Allison if it means Scott will join his pack".

"Okay, why are you telling me this shouldn't you be telling Scott?"

"Yes, but I can't find him anywhere".

"Oh right, Scott is on a date with Allison at the bowling ally, well technically it's a double date with Lydia and Jackson".

"Well, that explains it so what's with all the research?"

"Why do you care, its just research that's all".

"Well if it's about werewolves I would like to know and besides not everything you find on the internet is true".

"So you want to... what? Go through it and tell me what isn't true or what is, is that what you really want?"

"Stop fooling around Stiles and tell me or I'll rip your throat out with my teeth," he says taking a step closer.

I take a step backward because to tell you the truth when he says that it terrifies me but at the same time it turns me on, crazy I know but I can't help it.

"I just did some research to see what other supernatural creatures there could be, like wendigos or maybe vampires.
There were so many listed that I didn't get to go through all of it, so I haven't sorted out what there could be and what not, happy now".

"Yes, I can help you go through it if you want, that way it will go faster and I can tell you if they exist, what they would look like or act, what do you say?"

"Why would you want to help me? You don't even like me, so why would you want to be in my company?"

"Maybe I'm just bored or lonely does it matter, I can go if you don't want me here"

"No, you can stay I just don't get it you hate me so why stay?"

"I don't hate you, Stiles, I just can't stand your sarcasm"

"Ah, so the sarcasm is the problem well deal with it sour wolf"

"Excuse me, what did you just call me?"

"Sour wolf and it suits you to, you are a sour wolf, always grumpy and moody like you hate the entire world I mean... jeez would it kill you to smile once in your life"

"Don't you dare talk to me about my life, you know nothing about me you got that.
I have my reason to be the way I am and it's got nothing to do with you" he growls.

"Aw did I hit a nerve, you poor baby"

"Oh shut up, I think I should just leave before I lose my temper and really rip your throat out with my teeth," he says turning to the window.

"Okay, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to piss you off but you have to let somebody in Derek, you can't bottle up your feelings for the rest of your life, it will drive you mad.
You can leave if you want to just know that I'll be here to listen if you ever want to talk," I tell him taking a seat at my desk.

"I'll remember that, but I should really go your dad just got home from work and I don't think he would be too happy to find me in your room, bye, Stiles," he says as he slips out my bedroom window.

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