Perfect Love

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Stiles POV

It's been 3 months since the Whole Theo incident, Derek forgave me but I don't think he will ever fully trust me again. I don't really care all I care about is the fact that we are happy again. I don't know how long that will last because me, Scott and everyone else is leaving for Stanford in less than three weeks. Well everyone except Liam, Mason, Corey, Theo and Hayden they have one more year of high school left. Yes, Theo has to redo his senior year since he missed so much of it. But when they are finished with high school they are all going to UCLA.

Anyway, today I'm going to see Deaton because something isn't right. I've been feeling sick the last few days and I don't know why. Since I'm dating a werewolf I think it's best if I go to the one person who knows more about being a werewolf's mate than anybody else.

I walk into the animal clinic but I'm very nervous I see Deaton is busy with a small puppy so I wait patiently for him to finish. Once he's done he turns to me "How can I help you today Stiles," he says packing his supplies away. "Well, I haven't been feeling well the last few days and I thought since I'm dating a werewolf that it would be best to come to you for help.

"Yes, well you made the right decision so tell me what symptoms you have," he says waiting for me to speak. "Well, I've been nauseous a lot, I'm very tired and I eat the weirdest things. Oh and I can hear see and smell like a werewolf and I have werewolf strength, which is weird since I'm not a werewolf," I say to him pacing back and forth. "Stiles, what you're describing could be very dangerous, please come sit here so I can examine you. If it is what I think it is then it might kill you," he says as I take a seat on the table in front of him.

"I'm going to draw some blood and do a few small tests, okay it will only take a few minutes," he says bringing the tube closer and withdrawing some blood. Then he walks off into another room so I wait getting worried about what it might be.

Soon he comes back with a very worried look on his face "Stiles, it's as I feared I know what's wrong with you but it might kill you" he says walking over with an ultrasound machine. "What are you going to do with that?" I ask him curiously. "Stiles, I know this might come as a shock but you are pregnant. If a male werewolf's mate is a male then the only way for the mate to get pregnant is if he is the werewolf's true mate. Otherwise it can't happen which tells me your Derek's true mate, but because you are human this pregnancy can kill you. I have to see how far along you are to know exactly what to do next," he says pushing me down on the table and getting everything ready to do the ultrasound.

He soon has the gel on my belly and the screen on so that we can see the baby, if there even is one. I still don't fully believe him. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I suddenly hear the sound of a heartbeat coming from the ultrasound machine. I turn my head to look at it and sure enough there I see my baby but then I see a third arm. "Deaton, why is there a third arm?" I ask him getting freaked out. He moves the stick thingy and then we hear a second heartbeat we soon see the second baby. He looks at the screen a little while longer and then he turns it off.

"Stiles, you are about 14 weeks along and because it's twins it's already too far along to end the pregnancy," he says packing everything away. "Wait, why would you want to end the pregnancy?" I ask him shocked. "Stiles, being human and pregnant with two werewolf babies are very dangerous to all three of you, your body isn't strong enough to handle that much strength.

They will grow faster than normal babies, you saw that for yourself your only 14 weeks along but they are the size of a 28-week pregnancy. Which means in two month's time you'll be ready to deliver maybe even before that and being human there is a very big chance that you will die during labor. Which will have to be via c section," he says looking at me sadly.

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