Worried Sick

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Stiles POV

I'm at home right now worried sick about Scott and Derek. I can't lose either if something happens to them I won't survive. Since I can't defend myself and I'm human I couldn't go fight with them so I'm stuck worrying about them and trying to figure out who is going to be the next sacrifice. So far there have been virgins and worriers and from what Allison said there are still healers, philosophers, and guardians. I'm trying to figure out which is going to be next, but I can't focus because I'm too worried about Derek.

Lydia just phoned to tell me that Jackson is back in town, from London, brilliant just what we need more Drama.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Scott and Isaac come crashing into my bedroom, covered in blood, I jump up and help Scott onto the bed with Isaac's help but they seem heartbroken about something, "Scott where's Derek?" I ask getting nervous.

"He's dead Stiles Derek's dead," he says crying so I look to Isaac for confirmation but he is also crying and just nodding his head. I take a step away from the bed and then I collapse to the floor trying to hold back my tears.

My Derek can't be dead he just can't be. I pull myself together because Scott needs my help he is badly hurt. I can't lose him too so I clean the wound and bandage it, then I let him sleep while I clean Isaac's wounds, he goes to sleep to so I finally let myself cry.

It's been a week since there fight with the Alpha pack and since the motel fiasco on our trip to a game. I'm sitting in my room trying to study and get Scott's words out of my head. I can still hear him say that Derek is dead when I hear a grunt outside, so I go downstairs and out the front door with my baseball bat, to look around since my dad is at work. I feel a hand on my shoulder before it slips off, I spin around to see who it is, I can't believe my eyes, right in front of me is Derek badly hurt but alive. I drop the bat and fall to my knees in front of him.

I get him to my jeep and drive as fast as I can to his loft. Once we get there I help him inside and onto his bed. I then clean his wounds and wait for him to wake up so I can be sure he's alive.

It's been an hour since Derek showed up at my house and I brought him to the loft. I'm still waiting for him to wake up, so to keep busy I'm playing a game on my phone when I suddenly hear a very pain-filled groan from his bed. I jump up and rush over to see him trying to get up, so I gently put my hands on his shoulders and help him up.

"Stiles what are you doing here," he asks looking at me shocked so I pull back and take a seat next to him on the bed.

"You came to my house an hour ago so I brought you here and cleaned your wounds. You passed out just after you got to me, is it a problem that I helped you. I mean for the last week we thought you were dead it scared the shit out of me".

"I'm sorry Stiles I didn't mean to make you guys worry or to make you believe that I was dead. I just had to stay under the radar for a few days, it also gave me time to get my strength back a little bit, but until I heal completely I will be weak," he said out of breath and I could see he is in a lot of pain.

"I understand just don't ever do that again, at least let us know that you're alive okay".

"Yeah, I will," he said in a whisper groaning in pain afterward.

"What can I do to help ease the pain, please tell me I'll do anything," I say helping him lay down again. Just as I go to pull away he grabs my hand and pulls me closer before I can even proses what's happening he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back immediately and he pulls me onto the bed with him, soon we're both naked and screaming each other's names in pleasure. When we're done I realize that he is completely healed and that's when the realization of what we did hit me like a ton of bricks. I jump out of the bed and grab my clothes getting dressed as fast as I can, just as I'm pulling my shirt over my head I feel Derek grab ahold of my shoulders and spins me around looking at me with concern.

"Stiles, what's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry? Did I do something wrong, please talk to me?"

"Derek what we just did it can't happen again".

"Why, didn't you like it?"

"I liked it a lot but it just can't happen again okay".

"If you liked it why can't it, what's the problem".

"The problem is I'm still underage and my dad is the sheriff he will lock you up".

"Stiles, I don't care about your age and your dad doesn't have to know. I mean I'm not going to tell him are you".

"No, but what about Scott and the others, what will they say, Scott will be mad I know he will. I mean he told me to stay away from you he will be so mad that I didn't listen".

"I can handle Scott and I'm sure the others will be happy for us now please stay. I want to be with you and I know that you want to be with me too, so please don't fight it. I love you, Stiles, I have since the day we met".

"I love you too Derek more then you'll ever know now let's get some sleep we can tell the others that your alive tomorrow okay".

"Okay now come here," he says pulling me to him and kissing me again. I kiss back and he picks me up and places me back on the bed and soon I'm undressed again and we went for round two, afterward we get cleaned up and go to sleep.

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