Forgiveness Means Everything Part 3

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Liam POV

"Stiles, please I know you're hurt that Derek left, but Scott went to get him back. They'll be here soon, wait and talk to Derek first please," I say crying, not wanting him to step back because if he does we'll lose him forever. I can't lose him he is our real Alpha even if Scott won't admit it himself he knows it.

"Don't cry pup just because I'm not with you in person doesn't mean that I won't always be with you. I will in your hearts and memories" he says looking at everyone with a sad smile on his face. He steps back one last time, we can't do anything but watch him plummet to the earth below. I hear everyone scream his name as they run to the edge of the cliff where he stepped off, but I can't move I just stand there and stare at the spot that he was standing on a moment ago.

I can feel myself slowly fall to my knees as I let out a very hollowed and broken howl, soon being joined by every werewolf around me. We all howl as the none werewolves cry, but I can't hear anything as all I can hear is Lydia's scream for stiles just as he stepped off. Being a banshee must suck since you know exactly when someone you care about will die.

I stop howling when someone takes ahold of my shoulder, I look up to see Scott looking at me with a questioning look on his face. I can't bring myself to tell him that his best friend is dead, so I just take off running into the woods. I run faster and faster until I trip and fall to the ground, just lying there sobbing uncontrollably. I hear two more broken howls from afar, knowing one of the others must have told them about Stiles.

Scott POV

As Derek and I drive back into Beacon Hills we hear the entire pack howling in pain so we head straight to lookout point. I park behind Liam's car, Derek and I get out and walk over to the others. The first thing we see is Liam on his knees on the ground howling as tears stream down his face. I see the rest of the pack on their knees right at the edge crying and howling to, so I walk up to Liam and place my hand on his shoulder. He stops howling and looks up at me, when he sees me he takes off running into the woods. I try to go after him but Isaac stops me.

"Scott, leave him he needs some time to come to terms with what just happened," he says as more tears flow down his cheeks. "What did just happen, is anyone going to tell us," Derek says from next to me, causing everyone to turn to us. Isaac is the first to speak because everyone else is too upset to get a word out.

"Scott, Derek we tried, Liam tried but we couldn't..." he says trailing off "You couldn't what Isaac," I ask getting very worried and so does Derek. "We tried to stop him Scott, we really did. Liam did everything he could but it wasn't enough, Stiles still..." he stops to get his breath back and to try to stop crying.

"Stiles still what Isaac," Derek asks from next to me sounding very scared. "Stiles is gone, he still stepped off the cliff after we tried so hard to stop him, he's dead. Liam probably thinks he failed you Scott because he promised we would stop Stiles, but we couldn't, I'm so sorry," Isaac says crying again.

I stumble back a few steps at Isaac's words. No, Stiles can't be dead, he can't be. I can feel myself cry but I can't say anything. I see Derek walking to the cliff slowly so I follow, walking past everyone, we stop and we look down. I fall to my knees as I see my best friend lying on the ground motionless. Derek drops to his knees to and we howl in pain together. Once we stop I lower my head and cry, when I hear it, it's very faint and soft but I heard it, Stiles said my name. I slowly look at him again and I listen closely, I hear his heart beating very slowly but it's still beating.

"He's alive!!" I yell at everyone getting up so I can get down to him. "Scott what are you talking about?" Derek asks me confused. "Stiles is still alive his heart is still beating, very slowly but it's there, I heard him say my name I heard it" I say to them. They all go quiet trying to listen then their eyes widen in realization when they hear him say my name again.

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