Presenting him with Love

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Stiles POV

It was one hell of a year but we made it. Killing Peter, saving Jackson, Peter coming back to life, learning Lydia is a banshee. Allison finding out what Scott is and what her family does, Peter killing Kate, Allison helping her grandfather, Scott almost dying at the hands of Allison's mother, Derek turning teenagers into werewolves. We survived it all.

Because of everything we've been through I didn't have much time to think about Derek and I don't know if I'll have the time now. Hey we're ready for a new year of school, I just hope there won't be so many things we have to deal with.

"Stiles you ready for school yet we're going to be late" Scott says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm almost done," I say to him tying my shoe lases "okay done let's go," I say grabbing my bag and running down the stairs and out the door.

Once we get to school, I notice the new guys. They look like twins, but something about them doesn't seem right, I can't put my finger on it. As we get to our lockers Isaac comes up to us explaining how he ended up in the hospital and why, also saying we have to find the girl that was with him. Well, so much for not too many things to deal with. It's the first day of school and we already have a missing girl to find.

Scott POV

Can't I just get a break for once, ever since I became a werewolf I've had to fight enemies, can't it just stop for once so that I can focus on my life and my school work. I just want to be a normal teenager again, is that too much to ask?

I just got back from talking to Derek and now I have to worry about an Alpha pack. Nice way to start the year, I mean seriously can't they just leave me alone. I'm just a kid for crying out loud.

Stiles POV

How much worse can this year get, oh right, now we have to worry about a pack of Alphas, that want Scott and Derek to join. Other than that, strange things have been happening, animals have randomly sacrificed themselves. A few nights ago a deer ran right into Lydia's car and two days ago in English, a flock of birds crashed through the window into class when the window broke.

On another note, people have been disappearing and showing up dead but that is not our biggest problem right now. Last night we found Boyd and Erica's bodies, oh and Cora Derek's long lost sister. The alpha pack had them locked in a vault for about three full moons, so when they got out they went on a killing spree, but we were able to stop them. The night before that an old friend of mine went missing, she was found dead or rather sacrificed.

Back to Derek, I'm glad he found his sister but I want him to talk to someone about how he feels, or what he went through, thinking she was dead. I want to be that person, so I'm at his loft right now trying to convince myself to go in and talk to him even if he tries to chase me away. I want him to know that I'm here for him and that he's not alone.

Derek POV

I can hear Stiles's heart beating like crazy, I just wish he would come in there is so much I want to tell him. I don't usually let people in, but I need someone to talk to and he said he would listen so I'm waiting. But you need to know I'm not going to make it easy for him, I'm going to be my cranky self, well for a little while at least.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door and then I hear his voice. "Derek, are you in there, please open the door?" he says so sweetly I can't help but smile. I pull myself together before I open the door looking as grumpy as always.

"What do you want Stiles?" I snap at him unintentionally and he takes a step back in fear, but he quickly gets his composure back.

"I want to talk to you Derek, in private, are you alone?" He asks blankly while walking into the loft.

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