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Stiles POV

I look to the rest of the pack and they all follow me out the door. I quickly run to my jeep, to see Theo fast asleep in the passenger seat. I slowly open the door on the driver's side and get in, then I gently touch his arm waking him up. At first, he panics but soon relaxes when he sees it's just me.

"What happened in there? I hope I didn't cause any trouble," he says looking down. "No, you didn't cause any trouble I promise you that and I took care of the pack, they won't even think about hurting you. I promise now let's go home and get some sleep shall we," I say only to see him frowning again.

"What's wrong pup? Why the long face?" I ask and he looks at me "I don't have anywhere to stay. I don't have a home to go to," he says looking away from me so that I can't see the tears, but I already did. I grab his shoulder to get his attention and he turns to me but keeps looking at his lap. "Hey, look at me pup," I say and he looks up slowly.

"You can come stay with me and my dad he won't mind, he already knows that you saved my life and he is grateful. I know that he won't have a problem, what do you say?" I ask him with a smile. "Just like old times, except without Scott," he says smiling a little bit for the first time since he's been back. I smile even wider "Yes, just like old times, just without Scott," I say to him pulling out of the parking lot of the loft and onto the road.

Soon we stop at my house and go inside. "Hey, dad I'm home and Theo is with me," I call out to him and he comes rushing out of the kitchen and engulfs Theo in a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you for saving my son if you ever need anything, just ask and I'll make sure you get it okay," my dad says letting go of him.

"Actually, dad he needs a place to stay for a while I said he could stay here, if that's okay with you," I say to my dad and he smiles at Theo. "Of course, you can stay as long as you need," my dad says smiling wide and Theo just nods in acknowledgment. After that my dad goes back into the kitchen and I take Theo upstairs to my room. When we get there I open the door and he walks in, I go over to my drawers and get two pairs of cloths I hand him a pair.

"It should fit the bathroom is right across the hall, go take a shower and relax okay I'll be right here," I tell him and he nods. He walks out but stops before he closes the door, then he turns back and smiles at me. "Thank you for giving me another chance, you should hate me but you don't and I appreciate that I really do," he says then he closes the door. Soon I hear the water turning on so I quickly change into a clean pair of clothes.

Twenty minutes later Theo comes out of the bathroom all cleaned up, he walks over to the bed and sits down. I watch his every move from my side of the bed, but all he does is sit there he doesn't move or say anything. I open my mouth to say something, but I'm cut off by Theo speaking first.

"I'll take the floor, you take the bed I don't want to intrude or cause any more trouble between you and Derek," he says. Taking the extra blanket on my bed and one pillow he slowly place's it down on the ground and lies down. I lean over the side of the bed so that I can see him "Theo, there is more than enough room on the bed and I can handle Derek. I promise, you're not intruding please don't sleep on the floor," I say to him and he turns onto his back to look at me so I just smile.

"Are you sure I'm not intruding?" he asks like an insecure little boy so I take his hand in mine, causing him to stare at me in shock. "I'm sure, now get up here the ground is very uncomfortable," I say pulling him up off the ground. He slowly picks the pillow back up and the blanket, then he sits down on the bed again not even making a move to lay down. I place my hand on his shoulder, pulling him down so that he is laying down.

"Isn't that better now go to sleep, okay I'm right here you don't have to be afraid," I say to him and he closes his eyes. I turn off the light and turn onto my side with my back to him. When I hear small whimpers, almost as if he's crying I turn over to see him shaking. I slowly move closer and wrap my arms around him, he quickly turns over so that he is facing me. Laying his head on my chest and holding onto my waist for dear life. I just stroke his hair, while I'm holding him until I hear his breathing even out. I look down to see him fast asleep and calm I soon find myself drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to someone screaming, I turn the light on and turn over to see Theo thrashing around and Screaming, as tears flow down his cheeks. Begging for someone to stop something I look at the clock and it reads 03:00 am. I move closer and shake him slightly he jolts upright breathing heavily, looking around terrified. "Theo it's okay it was just a dream she can't hurt you anymore, your safe with me I promise," I say to him touching his arm softly. He looks at me with tears in his eyes and then he breaks and starts crying. I take him into my arms and I just hold him as we lay there, him crying while I whisper soothing words into his hair.

We fall asleep again with him holding onto me for dear life and me stroking his hair, that's how we wake up at 8 the next morning. Me holding him and he with his head on my chest. I hear someone clearing their throat so I look to the door and see my dad standing there, looking at us with a small smile on his face. "Don't get up too late, I'm heading to work and there's breakfast in the microwave," he says walking out of the room and down the stairs.

"Is your dad gone now?" Theo asks suddenly so Iturn my head to look at him, being met with a very flustered Theo I just smileat him. "Yes my dad's gone do you hear his car?" I ask him with a small smileand he listens then he turns to me. "He just drove down the street," he saysstretching out. "Good then let's get breakfast," I tell him getting up and hefollows behind. As we walk down the stairs I can't help but look back at Theohe looks really good in my clothes. Wait, what am I thinking I'm with Derek Ican't be thinking like this, what's wrong with me. 

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