15 - Fake thanksgiving

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"And now you're going to say pretty please forgive me."

November 4th, at the Holland's.

We were greeted by a very excited Paddy and Tessa. Tom pet the dog as I hugged and greeted Paddy. Eventually the roles were reversed and I greeted Tessa as Tom messed up his brother's hair.

Paddy groaned, pushing Tom's hand away from his hair as his father walked into the hall and scolded Tom.

"Alright movie star, leave your brother alone." Dominic exclaimed, hugging me before slapping Tom gently behind his head. The latter groaned before fake fighting his dad. They laughed before hugging it out.

Tom grabbed my hand and the four of us, plus Tessa, walked to the living room. Sam and Harry were playing video games, which they paused to greet us. Dominic went back to the kitchen, I think, telling Tom to go see his mother afterwards.

"Mia isn't here?" Tom asked Sam as we moved out of the way so they could resume their game.

"No, she had a family thing as well." He answered, Tom nodded and walked towards the kitchen, my hand still in his.

"Hello mum," Tom exclaimed, almost making his mum drop what she had in her hand. Putting her hand over her heart, she turned around to face us after putting the plate on the kitchen counter.

"Hello my little loves! You made me jump." She chuckled, making her way over to us. She glanced quickly at our hands before looking back up at our faces and smiling. "I missed you darling," She told Tom, hugging him tightly. He had let go of my hand, so I squeezed my own hand tightly, trying hard not to cringe at the nickname.

"Mum, it hasn't even been a week." Tom laughed as he pulled away from his mother after leaving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I know, but you know I love having you here." She gushed before stepping closer to me. She pulled me in a hug as well, "The same goes for you Riley." Nikki said, pulling away to look at me, "You look wonderful sweetheart."

"Thank you so much. You look stunning as well." I smiled back at her, squeezing her hands before we let go and she thanked me before walking back to her spot in the kitchen.

"How about you go play with your brothers Tom and Riley you help me with the food?" She suggested, Tom looking at me for the answer.

"That sounds good." I answered, Tom taking my hand in his and quickly squeezing it before leaving to the living room.

"Be good to her mum!" He shouted back at his mum, making me blush and his mum chuckle.

"So protective." She sighed, a huge smile on her face. I blushed even more and tried to hide it by going over to the sink to wash my hands.

"You know, I've never seen Tom act like this with another girl. I love seeing this side of my boys, so gentle and loving." I almost froze at this.

"Oh, um, you know we really are just friends Nikki. There is nothing more between us." I said, my voice almost in a whisper.

"I know, doesn't mean he isn't loving with you anyway." She smiled, quickly explaining to me what she needed me to do. "I have got to say though, I love the thought of you two together." She teased me, making me blush once again.

Dominic had come in at the exact same time in the kitchen, "Stop making the girl blush, Nikki! Riley probably has another boy waiting at home for her." He scolded his wife playfully, before looking at me. I feel like this was his way of finding out if I had a boyfriend or not.

"I don't have another boy at home, Dominic." I smiled at him, a bit confused as to why he would bring it up like that because why would I let Tom be so touchy with me if I had a boyfriend? "Haven't had a boy at home for a while." I added, loosing the smile as I thought about my last relationship.

"Bad breakup?" Nikki suggested, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Bad relationship." I answered her as she subtly gestured Dominic to leave the room.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked so gently I couldn't not say anything. I paused for a few seconds before speaking up again.

"Well, he was kind of abusive, physically sometimes and psychologically. Plus, he did drugs a lot and I was the one giving him money to pay off his dept. When I didn't have any money left for him, he left me. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, but it still left a mark, you know."I vaguely explained, not giving more details because I could feel the tears threatening to fall.

"Does Tom know?"

"No one knows." I answered, it was true. I hadn't even told Elle, Harrison or even Lydia or my mom. No one knew about me giving him money or him being abusive. They knew he was not good person, but they didn't know how much that was true.

"Oh, sweetheart." Nikki sighed, bringing me in her arms for a tight yet very comforting hug. "Is he still in your life?" I nodded at her before pulling away.

"Not in a romantic way, he's paying me back." I reasoned, obviously not telling her anything else about his presence in my life. She didn't need to know.

"Okay, good." She said, "You know if there is ever something wrong, you can always come to me. And if you need to talk about it some more, you know you can always tell Tom. That boy loves you so much that he'd go to the moon and back for you." She smiled at me, her eyes full of adoration as she talked about Tom. The word love made me feel butterflies in my stomach, I know she meant it in a platonic way but it still made me feel something.

"So would I." I practically whispered, but I think she heard me from the smile that grew on her face.

The whole night, I kept glancing at Tom and somehow saw him in a totally different light than how I used to. Later on, when we were all sat in the living room I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and unlocked it. I made sure Tom, whose arm was around my shoulders, was not looking at me before typing a text message to my best friend.

I'm in deep shit

What happened

I think I have feelings
for Tom

The party is starting people


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