6- Too much beer

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"I'm permanent you can't erase me,"

September 26th

Harry brought us straight to the backyard - which was beautifully decorated - where their family was. But there were so many people that I was pretty sure it wasn't only family.

"Oh yeah, there are a few family friends too." He then brought us a little further, Tessa suddenly leaving our side to run to someone else. "There's Tom," He pointed at a fireplace, where we could see Tom chatting with another man and a girl who was at his side. She was standing very close to him and from the angle we arrived, we could see her clearly feeling up his ass and back. "And that's Olivia. Don't mind her, she's doing that in hopes that Tom will finally notice her in a way that's more then friends and let me tell you; it's never going to happen again." He laughed and Elle laughed along, saying that it's just sad for the poor girl. Harry shrugged, clearly not bothered by it.

"Hey Tom!" He shouted as we approached, catching the older Holland's attention. "Look who I found!" Harry finished, pointing at the both of us.

Tom cracked out a smile and jogged towards us.

"Hey!" Tom trailed off, his jogging a bit in slow motion which I thought was weird until I noticed the beer bottle in his hand. "What are you two doing here?" He asked, quickly hugging Elle before moving onto me. Tom wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed it as he pulled me closer to him. I could smell the alcohol on him as I hugged him back.

"We were on a walk and your brother invited us." I simply told him.

"Well I'm glad you're here." He whispered in my ear, making me blush and smile. Elle frowned at me and I shook my head as I pulled away from Tom, to tell her that I would explain later why I blushed - even though I'll try very hard to make her forget.

Harry left us to go get some food or something as Tom pointed at a few family friends and told us who was who. After we got to know pretty much who every friends of them were, he told us he wanted us to meet his family properly. He introduced us to his brothers, Sam and Paddy who were with Sam's girlfriend, Mia. Paddy promised us that he would tell us embarrassing stories about Tom later when Tom would be more drunk and more likely to not react. We laughed it off as Tom dragged us away to now meet his parents.

I was nervous and had absolutely no idea why. I was only Tom's friend so it's not like his parents' opinion would have an impact on our friendship, right? Or maybe it would. I didn't have any more time to overthink about it before we arrived directly in front of his parents.

"Mum, dad this is Elle and this is Riley." Tom greeted us, pointing at each of us - though I am pretty sure his drunken stare lingered a little longer on me.

His mum smiled at us and brought me into her arms, hugging me. "I'm pleased to finally meet you, you can call me Nikki." She warmly greeted me, then she continued, whispering in my ear, "It's been a while since Tom brought home a lady friend. I'm glad he brought you." She pulled away and quickly hugged Elle as Mr.Holland approached me and also went in for a hug though his was much quicker.

Tom was looking at me, his lips pulled upwards in a small smile. I glanced at him before pulling my sight away from him and looking back at Mrs.Holland, who had obviously seen the look Tom was giving me. I had to admit, I liked it a lot but I knew very well that this was his flirty drunk-self.

I thought about his mum's words for a few seconds, wondering if the last girl he had brought was Zendaya and how the hell any other girl could ever live up to that. I shrugged it off as Elle started a conversation with Mrs.Holland about her garden and Mr.Holland went back to cooking on his apparently brand new barbecue.

AFTERTASTE- Tom Holland Where stories live. Discover now