16 - Hanging out

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"But it hurts, it gets worse, you know nobody said it would be fair."

November 5th

I woke up in Tom's arms, in his bed at his mom's house - something I never thought I would say.

We had drank a bit too much with his brothers last night and had decided to sleep here instead of walking back to our apartments. I stayed in his arms for a while, observing him.

The realization I had last night terrified me. I had a feeling he probably felt the same way about me, but I was scared I was going to screw it up. I knew my history with Oliver broke the part of me that was trusting and at ease with everything related to relationships. I did not want to drag Tom in a bad relationship, he deserved a lot more than that.

I decided I was not going to tell him anything. After I told Elle, I told her not to tell anyone because I didn't want him to know. She whined about it, telling me we'd be good together and all that. I ended up convincing her not to say a word.

I gently brought my hand up to his hair, gently pushing them out of his face. As my hand rested on his cheek, I gently caressed it and hoped it wouldn't wake him up. He stirred a little in his sleep, yet he never opened his eyes. His arms brought me even closer to him, which I didn't think was possible. He held me close and tight, one of his hand rubbed the little of my back. I stopped caressing his face for a moment, taken aback by the fact he was actually awake.

"Don't stop." He whined, moving around a little so he'd be laying half on top of me instead of me on top of him. I smiled, continuing my movements.

"Good morning," I whispered, leaving a kiss on top of his head. I scolded myself, knowing that if I got too touchy with him I might give the wrong idea.

"Good morning, love." He mumbled back to me, still not moving.

We stayed that way for a while and I was very thankful that the bruises on my hips were almost gone and that they didn't hurt anymore because it would have hurt a lot with him laying on me like that.

"We should get up." Tom stated and I hummed in response, having a feeling that neither of us really wanted to me. "Should we cook breakfast for everyone?" He suggested and I agreed to his idea. Tom slowly sat up, glancing at me laying next to him in only his shirt - half of it had rode up my stomach. He glanced at my exposed stomach then up at me, licking his lips. Never had I ever wanted to kiss him so bad. Both our breathings picked up as he slowly laid back down, his hand now on my hip and his other arm supporting his weight. The air around us became thick with tension and need.

His face was an inch away from mine, I swear I could feel his lips barely touching mine. All I had to do was lift my head slightly and they'd meet. But I never did.

Tom picked up on it and just kissed my cheek lightly before pulling away quickly and getting up. I could tell he was blushing as he got dressed, having only slept in his boxers. "I'll see you downstairs."

I groaned to myself as I heard him walking downstairs and greeting Tessa. Why couldn't I do it? What are we? 12 years old? Before the thought consumed me, I pushed it away and got dressed. I obviously wore the exact same thing as yesterday, except instead of my dark red sweater I wore Tom's shirt and tucked it in my skirt. I brushed my hair, braided it and splashed some water on my face before drying it and heading downstairs. 

I found Tom and his brothers in the kitchen, already cooking breakfast.

"Good morning Ri." Sam said, smiling at me.

"Morning boys, what can I do to help?" I responded.

"You could make tea if you want." Harry suggested, I nodded at him and grabbed the tea bags from Paddy as he handed them to me. I thanked him and started my task.

They told me their parents were going to wake up soon so we set up the tabled and made the plates. As they came downstairs, we were all sat at the table waiting for them. They both seemed very happy and thanked us before sitting down as well.


"What should we do today?" Tom asked me as we laid on our backs besides his brothers on the long part of the L couch. His arm was around my waist as I laid on my side, hugging him with my head on his chest.

"I don't know, maybe we should just stay here all day." I mumbled against his chest.

"In my parents basement with my brothers?" He asked, chuckling lightly.

"I think that's a great idea." Harry jumped in our conversation. "We're awesome." He high fived me, both of us laughing as Tom rolled his eyes.

"Just missing Tessa and it's perfect." I answered, Sam looking at me before shouting Tessa's name. She answered the call as she ran downstairs and jumped on the couch next to us. "There we go." I exclaimed, rubbing her side.

"Alright then, you got it princess." Tom said, rubbing Tessa as well. I smiled at him.

"Just date already." Paddy said , walking by to sit on a bean bag next to the couch - a book in his hands.

"Bugger off will you." Tom mumbled under his breath, his brothers laughing at him as I blushed like a freaking twelve years old.

"Harrison's coming over in a few." Harry informed us, putting his phone back on the coffee table before resuming his game with Sam. "When do you guys start filming again?"

"Tomorrow. We'll probably be finished by the end of the week then we've got a month off before we start promoting it." Tom answered his brother, now playing with my free hand.

This wasn't a surprise to me. I knew they were almost done with filming since my contract was almost done. It stressed me out, not knowing if I'd have a job afterwards or not. I decided not to think about it and just enjoy my day off.

Later, Harrison arrived with a plate of cookies Nikki had apparently made for us. He took Sam's place since he had left to go to Mia's house, and played with Harry. Tom and I made small talk, the boys sometimes joining in.

Tom gently got up, making sure I was still comfortable before he left to go to the bathroom. As soon as he left the room, Harrison paused the game - which made Harry groan- and turned to me.

"Elle texted me. And you know she never texts me." He said in a warning tone.

"That bitch. Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut!" I exclaimed, putting my face in my hands since I was blushing because I knew exactly what she had told him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Can we know what this is about?" Harry asked, I was going to tell Harrison to shut up.

"She likes Tom but she won't tell him." He blurted out as I slapped him on the arm as hard as I could.

"You bitch!" I exclaimed, making Paddy chuckle.

"That's not a surprise. You haven't seen them flirting all day." Harry brushed it off. Harrison turned back to me.

"Seriously?" I shrugged at him, not really knowing what to say. "You guys are freaking dummies." He groaned, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Wow. Harsh word Harrison." Paddy mocked him, which resulted in Harrison flipping him off and Harry laughing.

"But seriously though-" I cut Harrison off.

"I don't want to hear it, please." I pleaded him, Harry furrowing his eyebrows at me, I ignored him and I shooed Harrison away from me. He rolled his eyes and went back to his game with Harry.

I texted Elle, telling her she was a dumbass for telling Harrison. I guessed she was with Matt so I didn't wait for an answer. Tom came back downstairs, telling us we were going to a restaurant with Jacob, Tony and Zendaya for diner. Harrison and I nodded as he sat back besides me, putting his phone on the table. Harry announced he was going back upstairs, giving his remote to Tom.

They played for a while before we decided to get ready. We thanked his parents for letting us stay and they told us to come back whenever. Harrison drove us to our apartment building and I went in my apartment to shower and change as Tom and Haz went to Tom's.

next chapter is gonna be the rest of their night :)


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