Chapter 6

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I didn't know what happened after Lucifer marked me and I wondered briefly, if I had really met the devil himself or if it was just a delusion I dreamt up. But what I do know is that everything hurt like a bitch.

I couldn't open my eyes and I heard a faint beeping next to me.

I was still confused as to where I was at but then I remembered.

My girlfriend- ex girlfriend- cheated on me.

And I got myself beat up.

Suddenly I felt eyes on me and a soft , alluring voice along with a hint of an accent spoke.

"Wake up, amica mea".

I didn't know what amica mea meant but I didn't want to disobey this voice that commanded me so.

I struggled to open my eyes, they felt so heavy.

Like holding onto a ledge with weights tied to your ankles.

"Come on, parvulus, you must wake."

After what seemed like an eternity, I could somewhat open them, I kept blinking to try to get used to the light.

After a while I heard a click and the room got darker, the only light coming from the hallway outside.

I could finally keep my eyes open and when I looked at the owner of the voice I became so transfixed. You know that saying? How something so beautiful can take your breath away?

It's true.

This girl- this woman - this goddess.

She was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

And I could do nothing but stare.

Her eyes were that of an ancient jade stone - cold and captivating but warm.

Her nose was soft and angular as was her jaw..

Her lips... god her lips.

Her skin was tan as if sun-kissed. 

And her dark hair fell to her chest in gentle curls, like water over a cliff, silky and smooth, graceful.

She was dressed formally, in a dark red fitted button up shirt with the sleeves folded to her elbows.

She was perfect.

But I didn't know why she was here.

Who was she?

I realized that I was still staring when her lips curled into a mischievous smile.

"Do you like what you see, amica mea?"

I tried to speak but all I could do was cough, my throat was dry and it hurt to speak.

She rushed forward, producing a cup of water from somewhere.

"Shhh," her hand went underneath my head, tilting it upwards in order to help me drink.

After I drank enough, I turned my head away and she slowly let me put my head back down.

"I -I'm sorry... I d-d-didn't mean to stare."

She tilted her head slightly and let out a wonderfully soft chuckle.

"Well", she said with amusement, "I would be utterly insulted if you didn't."

I looked at her in confusion, "I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?"

I was surprised that I could speak full sentences to this gorgeous girl.

She leaned over me and her hair acted as a curtain, cutting us off from the rest of the world.

She scanned my face as if taking an imprint.

"Do you not recall your meeting with Lucifer, flos meus?"


Parvulus? Amica mea? Flos meus? What were these words and why was she directing them to me? They felt old but familiar as if their meaning was hiding under the surface.

Surface of what though?

I thought back to the dream I had.

It was real?


I met with the actual devil?

Holy shit.

I met with Lucifer?

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuc-

The beeps on the heart rate monitor started to quicken and I realized that I was hyperventilating.

The breathtaking girl who's name I still didn't know, took my face in her hands, forcing me to look at her.

Her eyes were as captivating as she was and my mind went completely blank.

"Calm down, Kassandra, mitescere."

The way she said my name brought up an emotion I've never felt before and again, I could do nothing but obey.

My breathing grew slower and I could hear the monitor going back to it's regular pace.

"Sorry," I mumble, "how long have I been asleep?"

Her hand was gentle as she moved a strand of hair out of my face, causing a shiver to go down my spine. 

"Triduum, three days."

I lean back and let my head fall back into the pillow.

Jesus fuck.

Three days.

"What have the doctor's said," I whispered.

Her expression turns grim and angry.

I begin to panic, have I angered this goddess already?

Her eyes seem to find my panic and her expression softens, "I apologize, I'm only angry at the ones that dared to lay their hands on you, not you my darling."

I relax and nod my understanding as I wait for her to continue.

She does to my relief, "The healers have discerned numerous amounts of broken bone, thankfully they are mending quite quickly."

I feel really tired, I can't focus and my goddess sees this and smiles.

"Sleep, I promise no harm will come to you."

I let her words, her promise, guide me into a dreamless realm. 

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