*The girl I chose is sexy as hell though*
"Go talk to yo lil hoes and get the fuck out my face!" I yell and push her out the way. "All the fuck you do is sit in my face and lie! Damn, do not deserve to be treated right Desiree?" I asked. She sat there not even trying to plead her case. I push her "Answer me! You treat me like shit and I want to know why!?" I plead.
She gets up and walks towards me. She grabs my waist and pulls close "Des, Don't even do that." I push her away.
"You think you get treated badly but you don't." she mumbled. I roll my eyes "Fuck you dude!" I spat. She pushes me into the wall "Fuck me y/n? Fuck me!" she yelled. She points her finger in my face "You make this shit hard for me! I don't go out and cheat on you every fucking day! You imagine that shit, that's the fucked up way you think!" she exclaimed. I roll my eyes "I saw yo- "
She raised her hand and hits the wall right by my face "You didn't see shit! You heard what your messy ass friend told you. If you stop letting them run our fucking relationship you'd see how fucking good I am to you. I give you my damn all every day!" she yells.
I reach up and wipe her tears. "Des . . ." I spoke softly. She stops me "Let me finish. I love you will all my heart, but you constantly give me shit. If you could calm your fucking attitude and focus on 'Us', then we will be fine." she states' She walks away and lies back on the bed.
I felt bad . . . I can't lie I give Des hell for no reason sometimes. She puts up with my shit and she never leaves me.
I walk over to the bed and crawl on top of her. "Dessie . . . look at me" I say playfully. She lies there with her face covered not even responding to me. "Des . . . I love you!" I exclaim. Still no response "I'm sorry I give you hell des." I state. She looks at me "I'm serious, I'm really sorry. I'm just insecure . . ." I admit. She grabs my hips "I'm mad though . . ."
I lean down and kiss her softly "How about now?" I ask. "I need some more." she whispers. I kiss her slowly, biting her lip as I pull away "Now?" I ask, her eyes are still closed, she slowly opens them "Damn . . . Can I get that more often?" she asked.
I laugh and do it again only this time sucking her bottom lip. She grabs my ass as I grind against her. I kiss her jawline, down to her neck leaving my love mark. She moans softly in my ear; she slides her hands down inside of my leggings. I stare into her eyes and smile "I love you Des" I kiss her again only to hear someone in the doorway clearing their throat. I turn around "Uhm . . . ha-ha, Hey Devin. . ." My older brother stood there silently and shaking his head. "I thought yall wanted to see the baby today . . .?" He asked. I look back at Des and whisper "Move your hands" she moves her hands and pushes me to the side. "I do want to see my niece today!" I exclaim. I get up and walk towards him "OH No! Don't touch me with them lips! Nahh, just wash the sin off your body cause yall some FREAKS!"
Des bursts out laughing I sit there embarrassed. She pulls me off the bed and kisses me "Embarrassed?" I look up at her "My brother saw a side of me I'd never wanted him to see. . ." She laughs at me again as I walk away
She bites her lip "I know the side I like to see." I roll my eyes "Of course Des, of course."

Little Imagines (Rated R)
RomanceThese are all Y/n (Your Name) Imagines. All of these stories are made to fit everyone as close as possible. I try to make sure everyone is included. All of my imagines are original, so don't come and tell me that you think I stole ideas. People have...