These are all Y/n (Your Name) Imagines. All of these stories are made to fit everyone as close as possible. I try to make sure everyone is included. All of my imagines are original, so don't come and tell me that you think I stole ideas. People have...
I sat at the front of the store bored as hell, not one person wants coffee at 11 o'clock at night. I look up to see a cutie walk in. "Hi! My name is Y/n, how are you tonight?" I asked while walking over to the register waiting for him to order. "I'm fine. How are you?" he asks before looking at the menu. "I'm okay, how may I help you?" I ask smiling. "Yeah, I'd like a Hot chocolate, also I'd like to buy your favorite thing on the menu. So that you may join me." He smiles. "Two hot-chocolates then." I say while putting in the order. I hand him back his card and turn to make the hot chocolates. "Here you are, sir." I smile. I hate that this job had given me the habit of smiling all the time. "Come join me. You promised me." he says as he walks to the table with the chocolates. He's so chill and calm. He comes in every night around 11:20 no matter what. He always gets our hot chocolate and he just sits here by himself. He's always nice, even though he has some bad days. I sit at the table and sip the hot chocolate. "How was your day, beautiful." he asks. "Crazy as usual. Same lady comes in everyday saying I made her coffee wrong. She always ends up getting a free coffee." I shrug. I understand attraction but something has me drawn to Jacob. I've never been this attracted to anyone I barely know. I snap out of it because I see his lips moving. "I have a question for you." he says. "Yeah, sure. What is it?" I shrug. "Well it's not really a question. I'm going to tell you what I would like for you to do. I would like for you to allow me to take you out to dinner. I'm going to show you the best night of your life and you will be my girlfriend at the end of the night. If you do not have fun tonight, I will stop coming here and you'll never see me again." He says while running his hand through his hair. I mean I don't really know him that well but I haven't had a date in FIVE-ever bitch. I need this in my life, I want to be wined and dined tonight. "Okay, I haven't been on a date in a while. I have to get ready to close right now so, come by my house at 12:30 and I'll be ready." I write down the address and give it to him. He smiles and walks out of the store.
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I get home take a shower, I do my hair and make up. Right as I get the dress on I hear Jacob at the door. "Coming!" I yell while trying to zip the dress. I open the door and I can't believe that he had on a suit. All my other dates this is usually when they tell me I'm overdressed. "You look beautiful" he says as his eyes travel my body. I blush a little, why does he have such an affect on me? He walks in prepared to wait a few extra minutes. "I'm actually finished, I just need you to zip my dress" I say as I turn around. He walks over and touches my sides, his touch sends chills through my body. He pulls me closer to him and kissed my neck, I feel him breathing on my ear as his hands travel my body. Suddenly he stops and zips the dress, why stop? "We have reservations." He says while leading me out the door. In the car we got to know each other a little better.
I learned that his last girlfriend felt the need to cheat on him. But, only actually wanted to be with him when she got pregnant. "Why try to be with someone when you cheated and got pregnant?" I asked. "She said she only trusted me to father her child. It's kind of fucked up, I walked out of there while she was on the floor begging." He shrugs it off. "I deserved better than her anyway" He finishes as we pull in. "Wow" I say softly. This is the biggest restaurant I've ever been to, they have a large fountain outside. It's glowing a gorgeous purple, the first thing to catch your eye as you walk in. I know to him I sound as though I've never been anywhere, but I honestly have never been to a place like this. I've dreamt about it but I never thought I would actually be here. "Y/n, come on" He extends his hand to help me out of the car. I step out onto a beautiful red carpet, I can't help but to smile. "This is what you deserve. This is apart of my world that I can give you." He kisses my cheek.