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It was horrible sitting here with Marc waiting for it to turn seven so he can go on his date with Serena. Just thinking about it gets me more mad by the second. What's making me mad the most is I don't understand why I'm mad. I mean, yeah, I don't want her dating my best friend it means more crazy girl time but I don't feel as if that's the reason why. It's like I know the reason yet at the same time I don't.

He was on his phone the whole time as he waited sitting on my bed. I was at my laptop playing goat simulator. Don't judge me I'm still a boy at heart, I love my video games to, I'm a gamer. I mainly use my laptop to watch videos though like Smosh, Pewdiepie, nigahiga, theFinebros etc. Mainly comedic things. I couldn't help but notice Marc being so secretive about his texts but letting out small laughs acting like I don't hear them. I bet he got Serena's number and he's texting her right now. I don't even understand why he's here right now. He went home changed and came back to my place like he lives here.

*beep* *beep*

My phone went off and once again it was a Twitter notification. I mainly ignore them but right now I'm bored and need something to take my mind off this date thing. I unlocked my phone and checked what it was.

@Marc2hott4u retweeted @TheTroller tweet: Worried about what to wear tonight! Help me!!!

"Who's TheTroller?" I asked. He just let out a chuckle as if I should know. Wait I think I heard of that name. It's a girl that makes YouTube videos, some other gamers mentioned her in there videos some times. I exited goat simulator and went on YouTube, I searched in TheTroller and clicked on a video.

"What's up, TROOOLLSSSSS!!!!! My names THETROLLER and I'm going to be playing Draw my thing with..."

"PPEEEEWWWWDIEPIE!" The normal. Felix yelled out his name and his face spun. She must be famous if she got to play with Pewdiepie.

"ANTHONY HERE BITCHES!" Anthony yelled sticking his tongue out towards the camera.

"AND I-I-IIAAANNN!!!" Then Ian screamed trying to make fabulous poses but failed. Finally TheTroller showed her face and I couldn't believe my eyes. SERENA!? I closed my laptop shut and didn't open it again. I thought about the tweet. That means she was having trouble with an outfit for her date with Marc. I swear is he trying to show off to everyone that he's dating her? It's not that big of a deal. Well it is to me because he's going to date a lunatic and I worry for my best friend. I didn't know Serena was a gamer nonetheless she had a YouTube account. She had so much subscribers though that's actually pretty cool. WAIT, what am I talking about! This is Serena nothing's cool about her.

It turned seven and Marc headed towards the door but stopped and examined me.

"Eh, your dressed okay now get up we have a double date to get to." I looked at him confused. "I don't have a date." He smirked which never means nothing good. "You do, now let's go." I came with him not knowing what was going on but did anyways. If he's trying to set me up with some girl I don't know and turns out to be stuck up I swear I'm going to punch him. The last time I let him set up a double date I was stuck with a clingy one. It took twenty minutes for her to let me go and say bye. When we got to Serena's house she stepped out and her outfit was amazing. Her outfit, not her. Don't get it mixed up. I just liked her shirt it had a Meme on it. Ironic how her YouTube name is TheTroller and she's wearing a Troll meme shirt. That's when Kenzy stepped out completely opposite of Serena, she had a dress right on the top but flowy at the bottom above her knees though, with heels on.

"Okay so this is your date." Serena looked shocked and so did I. I never agreed to this at all. Kenzy and Marc where just standing there with a smile perfectly fine with the situation. I don't get why they would set me up with Kenzy. She's hott but I don't like her like that.

"So I'll drive Kenzy and Harry how about you take Serena on your motorcycle." Marc said which made absolutely no sense. I'm getting more confused by the second and I hate being in the dark about these things.

"Why would I drive Serena if Kenzy is supp-"

"Bye!" Kenzy and Marc yelled back, got in the car and drove off fast. I honestly have no clue where our date is supposed to be so why are they driving off so fast like that.

We crossed the street and put on the helmets. Hesitantly Serena put her arms around me. I wonder why she was so hesitant. I thought she would jump at the chance to since she likes me. We started to drive off and after about five minutes I still couldn't find were Marc drove off too.

"Hey! Do you know where this date is supposed to be!?" I yelled out to Serena. "No! I thought you did!" She yelled back. The closest thing to us was a mall so I parked in there and took off my helmet. Serena did the same taking it off and placing it on the motorcycle. I pulled out my phone to text Marc to see what's going on and it looked like Serena was doing the same thing.

Me: Yo Marc where are you?

Marc: I'm with Kenzy enjoying my date and your with Serena loving your date. Enjoy.

"Don't bother, they set us up." I said showing her my phone. She read them and handed my phone back to me with a sigh. "Well we dont have to stay, let's just go back home." She said a little disappointed. I kind of felt bad. She was looking forward to the date with Marc, all dressed up and excited then he stood her up for Kenzy. Well more like set her up. "No let's stay. If they have some fun maybe we can too. It is a mall after all." I said trying to convince her. What am I doing!? Don't I hate Serena! I'm not supposed to be asking her on a date.

"Sure." She said with a smile. I smiled back nervously afraid of what I just got myself in.



Haha Harry is going crazy about Serena. He's confused! Let's unconfuse him why don't we! I honestly don't know if I should go in the direction of making him love her or still ditch her. I'm still deciding.

Marc and Kenzy are going to have to have the best apologies in the world(I love this face •~•)oh well! To bad for them it's not on me. (This face too *^*).

Hope you enjoy this! HARREH DONT CHEAT ON MEH WITH SERENA! NUUUUU! (Fine I got pewdiepie anyways! *sniffle* *^*).

I decided Ill do these authors notes on The (He-said) parts so yeah. KEEP READING IF YOUR ONE OF MY TROLLS!

Xoxo, LehTroller *^* (heheheheh I changed my username)

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