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It's a Saturday and all Marc kept talking about was Kenzy. He kept going on about making out with her at that party and how he's going to ask her out. All I kept thinking about was the girl in the blue mask. I never found out who she was anyways. I heard a noise coming from outside so I looked out the window. Then there Serena was at the basket ball court. She started dribbling the ball then made a jump shot. Just because I play soccer doesn't mean I'm not good at other sports. I do boxing as well. Then I quickly closed the curtain knowing that if Marc saw she was there he would want to go too and drag me along with him. I'd rather stay away from her. It's a Saturday It's the one out of two days of the week I get to be away from her and her creepiness.

"Dude are you even listening?" I looked at Marc and nodded then I looked back at the window with nervousness. I seriously don't like him when it comes to her. He's obsessed with being around Serena or something and it drives me insane at times. He gave me a questioning look then went back to talking.

"Well like I said I'm going to ask Kenzy out, also Serena so if one says no the other can say yes. Back up plan, smart move boy take down notes." I let out a small chuckle. He knows I'm the schools playboy right? There's no girl in the school that doesn't want to go out with me and it's amazing. Having girls fall for me gives me privileges man, and that I may say is the best when you need certain things to be done. If you know what I'm talking about. That's when it sunk in. He's going to ask Serena out! No way, he can't do that, it's important that he doesn't. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm jealous, I don't know it just gets me mad thinking about it. Like, she can become obsessed with him or I'd have to be around that lunatic everyday! No way I'm letting this happen.

"Dude open the curtains it's so dark in your room for no reason." He said and before I could stop him he opened the curtains looking out at Serena. A smile formed on his face at the sight of her which got me even more mad. I closed the curtains interrupting his gaze. He kept looking towards the window in amazement. Okay, this is weird I never seen him like this and for some reason it's getting me even more mad.

"Let's go." He said and before I can object to it he was already out the door I could hear his footsteps going down the stairs. I heard the door shut and I watched him from my window walk towards her. When he got to her he grabbed her hand and kissed it greeting her. I quickly put on my jacket and sneakers rushing over to them.

"Hi Serena!" I said nudging in between them making him let go of her hand. He grabbed the basketball out of her hands shooting it, making it in. She smiled watching him.

"Care to do a one on one?" She asked him. No why is she doing this? I looked at Marc who looked kind of disappointed. That's when I realized she asked me. Her cheerful look kind of started to go away as I just stared at her not answering. I didn't know what to say, I don't want to be near her but at the same time I don't want her near Marc letting him make a move on her. You know, just because I'm looking out for my best friend.

"I would love to." Marc said interrupting our state. She looked towards him and smirked. I sat down on the bench feeling stupid for not saying yes. I've never had troubles with girls but Serena she different. She can make my life a living hell and her dating my best friend would make life even worst. I can't have that happening but Marc is Marc, he won't give up on her that easily.

I watched as they were talking a bit and then they shakes hands like they agreed on something. I wonder what that was about. She passed the ball to him and he passed it back to her and I couldn't believe my eyes at how fast she was. She zoomed right past him and got it in the hoop. My eyes widened on how good she was. They kept going at it, both of them tied now but it looked as if Marc was going to give up, but when she smirked at him it was like he had the energy of a thousand men it was unbelievable. Marc was never like this with anyone. She tried to dribble past him which she did almost shooting it in but he came and blocked her grabbed the ball and shooting it himself, winning. It was his turn to smirk. He whispered into her ear and placed a kiss on her cheek, walking away. She stayed there stunned watching him walk away.

I got up and walked towards her. I looked at her and examined her. It was rare to be with her this close willingly. She was wearing sweats that said boss and she had black and white Jordans on. She had a crop top shirt on that said I'm so cool. She can dress well. Wait, what am I saying?

"Hey Harry." She said with nervousness in her voice. Oh yeah, she has a crush on me, she's my stalker there's no way she would date him, so there's nothing for me to worry about. I just shot her a smile which caught her in amazement. The effect I have on women is unbelievable. It's freaking awesome.

"So about the science fair, I was thinking we can do an experiment on chickens, how they hatch and stuff." She said. That's right I agreed to do a science experiment with her. I forgot about that. I nodded not really interested in what she had to say. I'm just thinking of an excuse to leave. That reminds me I have to tell my family I'm working with her, meaning she will have to come over my house to work on it. Oh my god I made a mistake saying yes, now she has an excuse to be in my room, alone with me. Shit. What would she do to me if she got me alone, the images I have in my mind our scaring the crap out of me.

"Erm, well, I think I should get going but see you sometime again to talk more about the project?" I asked. Not really intending to see her again until really needed.

"Yeah, bye." She said smiling to the fullest. I nodded and waved bye at her. When I got back to my house I went straight to my room to only see Marc on my chair in front of my laptop which he was using to play music while texting on his phone.

"Who you texting?" I asked. Maybe the girl he's talking to will be the person to get his interest off of Serena.

"Kenzy." I smirked. I normally don't do this to my friends, especially my best friend but hey, it's A Serena situation. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Did I say that right? I don't know. All I know is Kenzy might be someone who could get his attention. After all he was talking about asking her out and they did make out at that party. That reminds me I need to ask around for that girl in the blue-mask. I just can't seem to get her out of my head.

"Kenzy huh? Your gonna make a move? Maybe ask her out today?"

"Nah, forget Kenzy, I'm asking her for Serena's number. Damn Serena sure is hott, anyways I already asked Serena out and she said yes." He said with a smile so big it touches from ear to ear. Wait, no, that sounds creepy.

"Dude are you serious? Are you serious about Serena? You can't mess with her feelings." I said. I know Marc, he would ask a girl on a few dates, get laid, and then completely ignore them the next day calling it off. He's a real douche to girls but it doesn't feel right to let him do it to Serena. I don't know okay. I think I'm loosing my mind.

"You act like your jealous. You don't have a problem with me dating her right? I really do like her, she's different then the others." I was surprised at what he just said. Marc letting a girl tie him down. That's priceless. I'm happy for him and all but not with Serena. She's different then the others all right but not in the good way. I can't believe she actually said yes and what's this about being jealous!? She's Serena! No one would be jealous!

"No I don't have a problem with it." But for some reason I knew deep down that was a complete lie.


Oooo things are starting to heat up. Now that Marc is after Serena will Harry realize he loves her, or will he he diss her?

The excitement is real not knowing. Hehehehe I love teasing you.

And what will Kenzy do when she finds out about Serena's date with Marc. Will she be furious with envy or will she be happy and excited for Serena.

So many possibilities it's not funny. .-. ._. :| •_• •-• 😐 <--- straight faces because it isn't funny so don't you dare laugh.


Xoxo, Lonymous

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