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When I woke up this morning I was feeling much better then yesterday. Everything was so brighter, I don't know, but I just felt so happy.

I made my way to the bathroom, changing my clothes, brushing my teeth, all the things necessary for getting ready for school.

I headed downstairs only to cross paths with Zayn. I hated seeing him, or hearing his voice. I don't know why, it just aggravated me so much.

"Hey Harry." He said. It looks as if my attempt of trying to walk past him, ignoring him had failed.

"Hi." I said bluntly. He was taken back by this as confusion ran through his eyes.

"Well, just wanted to let you know I transferred to your school, and start there today." I felt my stomach twist as he said that. I hated the idea of him coming to my school. I hated the idea of him being near Serena more often.

That reminds me, Serena came by yesterday. I was sick yesterday, and I didn't go to school. All of a sudden my mom barges in asking questions about what Serena is to me. I say just a friend, but I didn't like the sound of that. I wanted to say something else, it was on the tip of my tongue, but it just wouldn't come out. After that I opened my room door to see Serena standing there, her back faced towards me. I invite her into my room and-

"Well come on, we're going to be late." He said. I have him a glare when really I wanted to tell him to shut up. I've been in a foul mood lately whenever Zayn was around. It wasn't like this before, I mean, maybe that one time when he asked me about Serena, but I didn't really mind him being around or passing into the hallways until now. Now I just have no clue why, but he aggravates me.

Zayn came with me as I made my way to the bus stop. He was there everywhere I went. I realized Serena wasn't at the bus stop, I guess she's still on her bicycle. I went to class and I thanked God that Zayn had only one class with me and it was P.E. Everything else I had with Serena, Zayn had without me. It was good to know I wouldn't be seeing him around as much as I thought I would.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I missed the bus." That voice said quietly but just loudly enough I could hear it. The teacher nodded as Serena handed him her late pass and sat down next to Kenzy. They kept taking in class together, sometime Kenzy would look my way catching my stares, but Serena looked as if she wouldn't even dare to. It was hurtful, I thought me and her were on good terms. The day went by and I haven't said one word to Serena. I didn't even wave at her, that's how much she's been avoiding me. I couldn't even find her at lunch. It was the last period now, and almost the end of the day.

"I'm going to need two volunteers to help make the class list."

"I vote Serena and Harry!" Kenzy shot up as she raised her hand. Serena's eyes widened in panic.

"Is everyone okay with that?" The teacher asks completely ignoring how me and Serena feel about this. I turned to Serena and her eyes were on me, they were wide and looked as if she was scared. Did I do something wrong?

The school bell rang as if to dismiss everyone, but Serena stayed in her seat. When everyone left the room leaving only the two of us she got up from her seat to go get chart paper and a pencil, then sitting back down. She started to draw lines, but there was a weird atmosphere. I walked over to her and sat down at the desk next to her.

"Did I do something wrong?"

She looked over at me with her eyes widened and her face red. Why was she blushing?

"Yesterday... I just don't know how to act around you after that."

"After what?" Her eyes widened even more and I swear if they did even more they would fall out her head. A wave of shock and confusion came across her face as I asked that. I honestly don't remember much of yesterday. All I remembered was her giving me an orange and the rest was a blur.

"You don't remember?" She said, walking towards me. She put her face so close to mine, I could feel her breath hitting my face. It wasn't bad, her breathe smelled like strawberries and mint. I thought it was funny, considering I love strawberries. Then it hit me.

"Ahh I remember now," I started to say. Her body tensed get relaxed as if it were a bad and good thing that I remembered.

"When I was sick you came to my house. That's tight I was staring at your face like this, and then... Your hair...,"

Staring at her face like this up close just added onto her beauty. It reminded me of yesterday before I passed out.

"Had rice in it. I was thinking of taking it out making a joke, but I got dizzy, and passed out. Your angry about what happened after that right?"

The pencil snapped in half as I finished my sentence. Anger was written on her face, and I could feel the tension in the air. Her eyes rows furrowed and she frowned. I'm not sure why she's still mad.

"You damn idiot... Rice... you were sick and didn't come to school so I skipped lunch and came to see if you were alright, and all you remember is rice..." Her voice hinted with anger and sadness. She came to visit me, skipping school, and caring for me, and I don't even remember. I feel bad for whatever happened after that. I feel bad for passing out making her feel this angry.

"I'm sorry." Was all my weak voice managed to say. I felt like an idiot right now.

"Sorry... Sorry!? I was trying my best... I really was... Now that I think about it I think I could have died from embarrassment," She took a breath, but that didn't calm her. Tears hinted at her eyes, but she tried her best to keep them in. I wanted to hug her and tell her that I'm so sorry for whatever I did. I didn't mean to do anything to hurt her, I never do. It's just, she gives me this feeling. It scares me, a lot, but at the same time I like it.

"But rice you say... You didn't take the rice... You took my lips." My heart stopped and my eyes widened as those words left her lips. Her head down so I could no longer see her face. I was lost at what she said. I took her lips? Does that mean I kissed her? Is she serious?


Her head shot up with tears glistening down her face. Her eyes are glazed over like newly cut glass. She suddenly gets a hold of me, placing both her hands on my face, cupping my cheeks, bringing our face closer together until our lips meet. My eyes grown as wide as they could in shock. This feeling that overcame and I felt like I could see fireworks. That I can feel this adrenaline pump in my veins and reach to my heart.

"What was that for?" I said a little to quickly as she pulled away. Pain filled her face as more tears threatened to spill.

"I guess that really was an accidental bump."

So I really did kiss her? If I did I don't remember, I didn't mean to, but if I knew it would have felt li-

"I'm really no good. I've been trying so hard even though you reject me, but if I keep liking you nothing will change."


"No more... I've had enough of this... I'm through with loving you!" She screamed as she let all tha pain and tears go. I couldn't help, but feel my heart break in two. So she does love me. For some reason I felt relieved and happy to know she did but the other part of my dreaded what she said. She'll quit loving me. She doesn't mean that does she?

I grabbed her hand before she can run out. She turned around and gave me the most sad look I've ever seen. It was as if there was no hope, no faith left to be seen. Like everything she's ever known was a lie. Like someone just broke her.

"Let go of me!" She yelled with such anger. She ripped her hand out of my grip even though I held onto her tightly, she fought back.


I'm through with loving you!

If I keep liking you nothing will change.

Those words kept echoing in my ear like a never ending broken recorder. I felt as if there was nothing more for me to live for, as if everything I've ever loved was just ripped away from me, and burnt to ashes.

In this exact moment I finally realized what this all was. Why I've felt the way I have when she looks at me, when she touches me, when she smiles, I realize that I am in love with Serena Davis.

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