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After talking to Jason I felt so weirded yet happy that this date with Marc is going to happen. I mean, I need a break from all this Harry drama right? No, I can never seem to get him out of my head and it's starting to worry me a lot. What if Harry never seems to find the same feelings for me? Then what will I do, this one sided love thing is killing me but every time I see his smile or hear his name I think to myself it's worth it. Maybe I should make him disappear. Wait, now it sounds like I'm going to kidnap him. That's creepy. I would never do that... Maybe(sarcasm intended).

I looked through my closet for something to wear but I didn't know what to wear. Marc said something casual but does he like the type of girls who wear dresses, skirts, shorts, jeans? I don't know. Just as I was in a crisis she appears.

"KENZY!" I screamed jumping into her arms making her fall to the floor. Wow, she had on a outfit of a dress and heels, normally she would wear skirts and boots or flats, sometimes heels. "Help me pick out something to wear for my date?" She didn't look surprised when I said date, like she already knew I had one. Okay that's not normal. Something's going on here and I don't like it one bit. "Just wear something that says Serena." I nodded and grabbed out my black converses, black torn skinny jeans and a tank top that had a Troll Meme. Get it? Because I'm TheTroller on YouTube, my fans are the Trolls. No? Okay. She squealed and clapped her hands. I just left my hair alone it has the natural beach wave look.

I heard knocking come from downstairs and I literally froze. I had no clue what to do or how to face him. What if he asks me on another date after this one and then he asks me to be his girlfriend? I can't just say no I'm in love with your best friend. "BITCH MARC IS HERE!" I heard Jason yell. I walked downstairs and he was looking out the window at them. Kenzy was right behind me and seemed more excited then I was. When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes. Harry was standing there. Oh yeah Marc too. Marc was smiling looking back from me to Kenzy. Harry kept staring at me which made me a little insecure as his eyes wandered from my body to my face.

"Okay so this is your date." Marc said. I was shocked and so was Harry. I never agreed to this at all. How can Kenzy go on a date with Harry when she knows I have a massive crush on him. If this is a double date so be it I will rip all the hair off of her head. I can't believe she would do this to me, I thought we were bestfriends. Harry looked shocked to so I'm guessing it was a blind date kind of thing but still, I was hurt.

"So I'll drive Kenzy and Harry how about you take Serena on your motorcycle." Marc said which made absolutely no sense. I'm getting more confused by the second and I hate not getting to be let in about these things.

"Why would I drive Serena if Kenzy is supp-"

"Bye!" Kenzy and Marc yelled back, cutting off Harry. They got in the car and drove off fast. I guess they were in a hurry or something but that's no excuse to leave me alone with Harry! I'm mad at him and mad at Kenzy. Ugh, I didn't think it would hurt this much but Kenzy is my sister and I love Harry. How can it not hurt? Harry started to walk to his motorcycle as if he knew where we were going so I'll just follow him. He put on his helmet and handed me one too. He sat down and looked at me as if I was supposed to as well. I'm nervous though, not because it's a motorcycle but because it's Harry. I sat down behind him our bodies so close making me have short breathes. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waists and he drove off.

Mad we sped off a shock of adrenaline ran through me. The way the wind was hitting so hard on me, making my hair push back. The way we were going so fast not only through the streets but with every turn he took. It was exciting doing something like this and I would like to more often. I let out a small laugh hoping Harry wouldn't hear it.

"Hey! Do you know where this date is supposed to be!?" He yelled out barely hearable. It was hard to hear with the wind and the noise of the motorcycle "No! I thought you did!" I yelled back. The closest thing to us was a mall so He parked in there and took off his helmet. I did the same taking it off and placing it on the motorcycle. He pulled out his phone to text Marc to see what's going on and I was doing the same thing.

I sent Marc a text but when he didn't answer I could only text Kenzy and that's something I would rather not right now but it's the only option.

Me: where are you.

Kenzy: that text sent chills. Lighten up gurl.

Me: how can I when your going on a date with MY crush.

Kenzy: Chill. Me and Marc set it up so that you two will be together. He likes you but he thinks you would be better with Harry. I just agreed.

Me: bye you weirdo.

Kenzy: your welcome! Bye.

"Don't bother, they set us up." He said showing me his phone. I read them and handed his phone back with a sigh. I can't do this to Harry. When we go on a date I want it to be because he asks me, because he wants to. Not because he was set up by our best friends. "Well we dont have to stay, let's just go back home." I said. I kind of felt bad. He looked up at me with sad eyes. He looked so cute right now like a lost sad puppy. Do you know how that looks like? So damn cute. "No let's stay. If they have some fun maybe we can too. It is a mall after all." He said trying to convince me. I was shocked. Was Harry really asking me on a date? No this is probably just as friends, he probably just feels bad that Marc went with Kenzy. Maybe I should comfort him. That's what friends are for right?

"Sure." I said with a smile. He smiled back and I felt like melting like I was butter in heat. Okay what the fu.. Fudge nuggets was that? Butter in heat. Look what this kid is doing to me. He's driving me insane.

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