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"Get. Off... Ugh! Stupid branch!" Serena yelled as she struggled to pull a branch off a tree. Okay don't take me as a stalker, she is, but right now in watching her from my window as she tries to fix her yard. I'm not sure what she was aiming to do by that but she was aiming for something. The steps looked fine. It was a grayish blue color that matched perfectly with the apartments bright color. The only problem with the apartment is that Zayn was helping her fix it. He's also there right now helping her fix the yard! It's making me feel more of a jerk. I've been meaning to go over there and apologize but Zayn is always there making her laugh and smile. It makes me mad for some unknown reason. I would go over there and help with the yard but I don't know, something's been stopping me.

Then he turned to me. Zayn with a smile on his face from the laughter turned and looked straight at me. He pointed me out to Serena and I closed the curtains as fast as I could. Well that was embarrassing.

It was actually worst having her mad at me then stalk me. I could feel her anger from a mile away. It was hard to tell if she was actually in school or not if you don't look and boy have I been looking a lot lately. I don't know it's this feeling inside of me or maybe the voice in my head telling me to go to her and apologize but I did that day. I told her I was sorry and she just left still mad at me. She even told me she would do the science fair project on her own! She did one about the growth of flowers and I did mine on a volcano. What do I do now?

I watched as Zayn took off his gardening gloves giving Serena a small hug before waving goodbye. I ran downstairs to see my mom laying out the food on the dinner table while my dad was sitting on the couch watching TV. That's when Zayn walked in with his smile gone, sweat all over his face. He just have been working hard out there on the yard.

"Dinners ready!" My mom yelled. All of us went to the dinning table taking our seats. Then Gemma finally came downstairs and sat with us, that's when we started digging in. In the middle of the meal Zayn let out a tired sigh.

"That girl working you to hard huh?" My dad said. Before I let this conversation continues let me inform you on how much my dad loathes the Davis' he basically hates them and anything they do.

"No, that girls name is Serena and she's working me perfectly fine." Zayn said simply. My dad let out a scoff. I don't get why he's acting this way towards Zayn. He told me and the rest of us to be kind towards Zayn but this vibe he's giving off right now isn't the nicest one.

"Honey stop." My mom said giving my dad a glare. He was quiet for about five or four minutes until he continued on. "So why the sudden interest in her? You barely talk to us even when we let you in but you befriended this stranger." Zayn let out once again another sigh, but this sigh was of relief and a hint of pity.

"The sudden interest in her is none of your concern. She isn't a stranger, she's our neighbor and I thought it would be neighborly to help her on the yard and apartment."

"Well finally someone's doing something about that dreadful mess." My dad said quickly after Zayn. A little to quick. I wanted to defend Serena and Zayn but I didn't know what to say. My mother started getting even more impatient and mad. She let out a low cough as a warning sign but oh did dad ignore all the signs.

"What would you do if you had a son that was suicidal?" Zayn asked. Me eyes widened in shock. I can't believe he just asked that. I didn't know what to say or do. Son as in me? If I was suicidal?

"What kind of question is that!?" My father yelled.

"Serena's brother is in rehab and it's very expensive. It's troublesome on the Davis' they don't have the money for the yard. There only concern is for Jason to recover!" He said calm yet slightly shouting. My mothers eyes were tearing up, a lump started forming in my throat as if I did something bad. I feel bad for a reason but I don't know what. I just do. I had no clue Jason was in rehab I thought he was going off to college. At least that's what he told me.

My mom stood up fast making the chair she was sitting in fall back. She put the napkin down on the table and walked upstairs with a tear falling from her eye. I don't know why she's so upset about it. It's upsetting but Gemma isn't crying. She looks kind of irritated. Gemma stood up and ran upstairs too. "Oh bloody hell." My dad mumbled running up stairs after the both of them. I sat there in shock the only two left were me and Zayn.

"Come on, let's take a walk." Zayn said with such calmness in his voice. I nodded and we headed outside. I looked at Zayn and kind of admired his contained posture. He was more mature then I'd imagine him to be when he first moved in. I saw tattoos and thought a wild yet fun guy but no, he's calm and relaxed, mature too. Is that why I don't like seeing Zayn with Serena? Am I afraid they might like each other? Am I jealous? No. I can not be jealous, that is like the most impossible thing on this planet. Me, jealous, over Serena Davis is a joke. A very bad joke.

"You know a girl like Serena doesn't come very often. She's a rare kind, the one you want to hold on to and just hope you never let go." He said. It looked as if he were at war with himself, wondering if he should be smiling or not at this.

"I don't think so." I plainly out out. I don't, she's the same as the other girls but crazier. There's nothing good about her being crazy. "Not everyone gets a neighbor like Serena." He replied. "Lucky them." Was all I can say. It was what I was feeling as well. I can't believe how many peoples lives aren't fully of Serena Davis drama, and how lucky they are. My life was good until we moved here to the US. I miss my old mate Louis. He was the only person that truly gets me. Marc he's my best friend but not like I was with Louis. I wonder how Louis doing. Anyways I went off topic. Me and Zayn kept talking about things, getting to know each other. He told me he had an ex fiancée but I didn't dare ask him about that.

When we got home everything was back to normal except my mom was somewhat giving dad the silent treatment. Oh well, everything will probably blow over by tomorrow.

Haha hey Trolls!

Notice how there's more dialogue in these chapters. Heheheh... I'm pulling you in with the power of words >:3

Xoxo, LehTroller *^*

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