eddy x reader: nerves

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You sat still in a velvet armchair, slowly breathing in and out. The musty scent of the dressing room filled your senses as you desperately tried to calm your nerves. Tonight was your senior conservatory recital. You had been preparing for this recital for months, if not years, and it was finally here. As excited as you were to show your friends and family what you had achieved in your recital, you always got terrible performance anxiety, whether it was a concert or solo performance. However, the one thing that was always able to cure your anxiety was your boyfriend, Eddy. 

You had met Eddy your first year of conservatory at orchestra rehearsal, he was your stand partner in the second violin section. Your musical chemistry with him was unparalleled, and led the both of you to be gradually moved up through the section together. Eddy was always able to help sooth your nerves before every concert, even before the two of you started dating. Whether it was leaving sweet notes in your music, pep talks or just a hug, he was always able to figure you out and calm you down. You and Eddy had started dating the beginning of both of your sophomore years, after almost a year of teasing and suppressed feelings. He had asked you out before your symphony concert with a bouquet of daisies. After a resounding 'yes', the two of you played the best concert you had ever played so far. The rest, was history. 

You opened your eyes and stood up checking the clock. Your recital was supposed to start in 15 minutes, and Eddy still hadn't come by for his normal pre-performance greeting. Your anxiety rising, you tried to distract yourself by warming up with some scales. Although your intonation was fine, your bow was shaking like an earthquake. You tried to do some breathing exercises that Eddy had taught you, but to no prevail. Eight minutes til the recital: where was he?! You set your violin on your case and tried to smooth out the creases in your elegant, deep green dress. Six minutes. The door opened, but it was only your pianist, Lucy. 

"Y/N? Are you ok? You seem clammy. What's going on?" she asked, setting down her sheet music. You laughed nervously. "I'm fine, Lucy. Just some nerves. Say, have you happened to have seen Eddy anywhere? He usually comes to see me by now.." you trailed off, looking at the clock again. "I'm sorry Y/N, I haven't. Want me to text him?" she replied, putting her arm around you. You leaned your head against her and sighed. "No, its alright. I'll see him after." you said. "Alright. Well, you need to be backstage in a minute. See you out there, I know you'll do great!" said Lucy, giving you a quick hug. She grabbed her music, gave you a wave and rushed out of the room. You groaned loudly and turned towards your violin. You picked it up along with your bow and turned to face yourself in the mirror. "Y/N. You made it this far. You can do it." You said, your voice shaking. As you grabbed the door handle to leave, it abruptly opened, almost knocking you off balance. Shocked, you saw a flustered Eddy holding a messy bouquet of daisies. "Eddy!" "Y/N" the two of you yelled in unison. He carefully embraced you, making sure to not crush your violin. "Eddy, I seriously thought you were gonna forget to come see me." you said, taking a huge sigh of relief as you hugged him. "How could I possibly forget after four whole years of knowing you? I would be dumb to not show up." he smiled, kissing you on the forehead. He held out the daisies to you, which you took into your free hand. "Ed, why would you give me flowers before I even play? I'm pretty sure that's bad luck or something." you said, taking in their sweet scent. "I was trying to be sentimental I guess, to remind you of when I asked you out before the orchestra concert our sophomore year." He said, blushing. Before you could react, you heard your name being called. "Y/N! Where are you? We need to start now!" you heard Lucy yell from a distance. Eddy ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at you. "You've got this. Just pretend I'm up there with you. You are beyond talented, and I'm so proud of you." He said, cupping your cheek. Overwhelmed with emotion, you smiled and slipped away, towards the stage door. You set down the daisies gently on a stool backstage and let out an exhale. You were ready. 

You walked onto the stage confidently, almost blinded by the bright lights. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Eddy slip into the hall and sit down next to his best friend, Brett. After the applause died down and you finished tuning, you set your bow and nodded at Lucy to begin playing. Your fingers moved fluidly and your bow glided across the string perfectly. You became one with your violin and just let the music happen as if you weren't even trying. 45 minutes later, you played your last note and looked out at the expectant crowd, a look of triumph on your face. Of course, Eddy was the first person to stand up as the crowd roared with applause. You couldn't help but let a few tears roll down your cheeks, overcome with joy and pride. As the applause continued, you walked off stage to set down your violin. "Y/N! I don't know what Eddy did, but that was spectacular!! Seriously the best I've ever heard you play!" exclaimed Lucy, hugging you. "Luce, I couldn't do it without my super talented pianist best friend! Thank you so much!" you replied. You heard the applause stop and the sounds of people getting up to leave. As you left the backstage area to go back to your dressing room, with your violin and daisies, you had a skip in your step. You packed away your violin, humming to yourself. You heard the door to your dressing room open, and Eddy clear his throat. "Y/N, that was.. that was absolutely beautiful." he said sweetly. You turned to face him and saw that he had yet another bouquet of flowers, this time white roses. Free of your violin, you almost launched yourself at Eddy and flung your arms around his neck. "Are all these flowers why you were late?" you asked, laughing. "Maybe.." he trailed off, gazing at you adoringly. He kissed you passionately, making you drop the roses. You both laughed and pulled away from each other. "Now what?" you asked, giving him a peck on the lips. "Well, last I checked there's a mob out there waiting to see you. You probably need to go greet your adoring fans.." he teased, getting your violin case for you. You both left the dressing room hand in hand with your violin and two flower bouquets. "Gosh, how did I get so lucky to have such a talented girlfriend?" said Eddy jokingly. "Just be glad you didn't screw up on that first chair test. Then we wouldn't be having this conversation." you laughed, playfully nudging him. He stopped walking and pulled you over to him, and playfully kissed you. You laughed into the kiss as he picked you up and spun you around. "What would I do without you, Eddy?" you smiled. "You would be one nervous wreck." he joked. 

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