dating brett would include (headcanon)

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-he was super shy when you first met

-it took a while to get to know each other but once you did, it was like you had known each other for your whole life

-lots of inside jokes!!

-he would help you with music that you were working on

-him blushing whenever you complimented him on his playing

-took him a while to ask you out and tbh he was surprised when you said yes

-"its about damn time!"-eddy

-he had planned a fun picnic for your first date, but a rain storm turned it into the two of you eating take out, soaking wet on the floor of his place

-surprising you with flowers after every. single. one of your performances

-he would always ask for your advice for what to do for videos

-always puts a lot of thought into dates and is super intentional and sweet

-however, the both of you are always down to just get bubble tea and be in each other's presence

-bubble tea when you're happy

-bubble tea when you're sad

-bubble tea all the time, basically

-also lots of selfies

-he isn't a huge PDA guy but he loves holding your hand

-cuddling is an everyday thing

-him kissing the top of your head


-you would always tease him for how much he geeks out about classical music

-him doing the exact same thing in return

-facetiming him for hours when he is on tour for twoset

-you falling asleep with him still on the other end

-*cue brett taking a screenshot and setting it as his wallpaper*

-eddy sending you silly, unflattering pictures of Brett and updating you on how Brett was doing

-*cue you using the photos as your wallpaper as revenge*

-the BEST reunions when he gets back (lots of hugs)

-he purposely tries to find the weirdest souvenir possible for you at every place he goes to

-you basically having to dedicate a whole bookshelf to the wild souvenir collection

-him being corny and playing careless whisper or salut d'amour on his violin whenever you walk into the room

-his deadpan face when you do the same

-keeping him company while he stays up late working on stuff for twoset

-overall him just being an angel tbh

(I've never really written something like this before so lmk what if y'all like it or if its garbage hahaha)

thank y'all so much for reading! lmk if you have any requests :) 


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