first date with brett!

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this is inspired by the first date from the headcanon I posted! hope u like!


Brett looked at the spread on his kitchen table, making sure he had everything good to go. Picnic basket, blanket, some pillows, and a bouquet of flowers for Y/N. Brett was so excited that you agreed to go out with him, and he wanted to make this a date you would remember. AS he finished putting everything all together, he got out his phone to send a text to Y/N.

b: hey y/n, meet me at the entrance of the park at 12:30, see you then!

y/n: see you soon ;)

Perfect. Now all he had to do was set up!


Brett arrived at the park with all of the things, eager to find a scenic spot to set up at. He noticed some clouds gathering in the sky. 'At least it won't be too sunny I guess?' he carelessly thought to himself, his thoughts set on seeing you later. After a couple minutes of wandering, he found a perfect little clearing overlooking a duck pond, not too far off of the bath but secluded enough to where the two of you shouldn't be disturbed. He carefully unpacked everything and laid out the quilt. He tried his best to make the picnic look as cute as he could. He put the bouquet of flowers on the cushion intended for you and then snapped a photo just to commemorate his ability to come up with a cute date. He checked everything once more, and then started to walk towards the park entrance to meet you.


I sat on a park bench, idly taking in my surroundings. The green trees contrasted nicely against the ominous clouds as I began to take in the sweet scent of rain yet to come. The park seemed relatively empty except for a few people milling about. After a few minutes of waiting, I heard Brett call my name. "y/n! you're here!" he exclaimed, jogging over to you. There he was, your sweet orchestra crush. Finally the two of you were on a date! You stood up and jogged over to him. "Of course I came, silly." you laughed, pulling him into a hug. "I think you'll really like what I have planned! Of course, only if the weather is in our favor." he said, grinning like a schoolboy. He took your hand in his and started leading you to your picnic spot, asking you about your day and raving about how pretty he thought you looked. You couldn't stop smiling because his happiness was simply contagious. The two of you were taking in the sights of your walk, when you felt a drop of rain on your forehead. You glanced at Brett, and he had felt one too. A split second later it was pouring. "Here, maybe the picnic is covered!" he said hopefully, as the two of you started running. To no avail. You had reached your planned picnic spot and everything was soaked and blown about by the wind. Brett looked downtrodden as he tried to pack up everything in the midst of the downpour. "Brett, what do you want to do now?" you asked, squinting through the rain at him. He looked up at you and smiled. "Don't worry, I always have a backup." he said with a nervous grin. 


After trudging through the park and getting muddy and wet in the process, the two of you had finally found shelter in the form of Brett's car. The two of you sat there breathless, looking shaggy and wet. "What now?" you asked, grinning at him. He laughed and brushed his wet hair out of his eyes. "How about I drop you off at my place so you can clean up and I'll go pick something up?" he said, starting the car. As soon as the car started, a piece of classical music came on the radio, picking up where Brett had obviously left off. He grinned nervously. "Sounds like a plan." you smiled. 


You reached Brett's flat and he led you upstairs. His flat was quaint and pretty tidy. You saw where he filmed twoset videos, and also a practice area where his violin was sitting. "The bathroom is through there, and towels should be under the sink. My place is yours." he smiled, squeezing your hand. You smiled back and made your way to the restroom and started the hot water; you had just realized how freezing you were from being soaking wet. You took a nice shower and wrapped up in the cozy blue towel you found. Your clothes sat in a sopping wet pile on the floor; what am I going to wear?? However, when you opened the bathroom door, you saw that Brett had put one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants at the foot of the door folded neatly. You smiled, put them on, and put your wet hair into a bun. Brett still wasn't home, so you decided to just get comfortable on the couch. After a few minutes, you heard Brett unlock the front door of the apartment. "y/n! lunch is here!" he exclaimed, laughing slightly. He came into the living area with a bag of takeout and bubble tea to see you curled up on the couch. He started grinning broadly. "y/n, you make that sweatshirt look amazing. You should model for us sometime." he said, sitting down next to you. You curled up to him as he took out the food, which smelled delicious. He handed you a bubble tea and put his arm around you. "Any netflix preferences, y/n?" he said, grinning. "Anything you want." you smiled, digging in to the takeout. The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon curled up together binging netflix, drinking bubble tea and eating takeout, and you had no complaints. "I'm sorry your date didn't go as planned." you said, looking up at Brett. He sweetly kissed you on the forehead. "Don't be sorry, it turned out better than I ever thought it would." he said, pulling you in tighter. 

kind of short, but hope y'all enjoy it! votes and comments appreciated <3


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