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Astrlee's been asleep for 3 days now. His older siblings and cousins refuse to leave. The small room's getting crowded.  We let out the demigods yesterday after a lot of protest from Gaia.

"Tartarus, they found out." One of Astrlee's cousins tells me.

"How?" I ask him. He looks to be 1900.

"We don't know but you should see this." He tells me and makes a screen of mist that shows the steps of the castle covered in flowers, pictures, candles and other things. I notice that at the very top of all of it, a picture of Astrlee where he's smiling; with a flower and candle. On the picture there's writing that says 'get well soon prince Astrlee'. It's the only one on that step. Then I see the millions of people there who still adding things to the steps or sending prayers, well wishers.

"We should all get some rest tonight." Maria tells everyone. We all agree and leave.


It's been 5 more days and we've gotten a message from kronos. It says, 'we know that he's not doing so well. We're coming back in 4 days. Without your strongest how are you going to be able to defeat us?'.

We got the note yesterday and some of Astrlee's cousins have been training nonstop so they can help. They say it's what he'd want them to do.

It's 2 a.m. and everyone else is asleep. I just can't close my eyes without thinking about either Kronos or Astrlee. I'm going to the medical area. No one's supposed to be there but it's either I go there or I destroy something. So I teleport to the medical area. I hesitate when I go for Astrlee's room. It's hard knowing that he can be so young and peaceful then mature and stiff. You can imagine my surprise when I see that he's sitting on the bed and talking to one of the healers. I stop at the doorframe and knock on it. Both of them look at me, Astrlee quicker than the healer, and the healer leaves.

"Hi dad." He says with a smile. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. He flinched at the touch, he tried to hide it but I know it's because of me. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing now." I decided not to tell him the truth. "How are you?"

"Ok" he tells me. "Is everyone else ok?"

"We've all been to worried about you to think that much about ourselves." I tell him.

"Yeah. The healer told me I was out for 8 days. Sorry if you all got worried."

"We just wanted to know if you were ok."

"I'm obviously fine." He tells me. "The healer said I could leave in the morning if nothing happens."

"You know you're siblings are going it figure it out soon and they'll tell you're cousins." As soon as I finish my sentence their's alot of noise coming from the hall. The door opens and all his siblings and cousins are standing there. Up front are Maria, John and the twins. Astrlee flashes them a smile.

"Hi." He tells them then they all rush into the room. Maria gives him a tight hug.

"Never scare us like that again." She tells him.


After an entire night of talking Astrlee's allowed to leave. He may be the youngest (besides Kori) but he's the tallest of all the kids, even on crunches. Everyone who doesn't know him thinks he's 20 something. We told him that the news that he was ill had spread so we were doing an appearance today.

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