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Astrlee turns back to us and changes to look like himself.

"How many siblings do you have?" The girl Astrlee came with asks him.

"They're not siblings. She wasn't paying attention to them. " Astrlee tells her.

"Are they..." she asks him with wide eyes. He laughs a little at her expression.

"Solisse, I don't have kids." He reassures her. She looks relieved then confused.

"Then why did they change?" Solisse asks him.

"I don't know. Can you take all of them to the palace?" He asks her. She gives him a nod and he disappears.

"Ok everyone grab hands." She tells us.

"Why?" Bella asks her.

"Yeah, Astrlee can teleport us with a wave of his hand." I tell her.

"Well I'm not as powerful as him so grab hands so we can do what he said." She tells us. I take Wyatt's and Olivia's hands. Befor I know it we're all in the palace. Well not in the palace but on one of the balconies. From here I can see what's happening near my home but nothing beyond due to the wall. But before I get a good look I'm corralled off the balcony.

"Wyatt!" I hear a loud voice boom from down the hall. Wyatt looks almost scared.

"Hello Father." He says coldly. A man wearing the black armour of the royal guard comes up to us.

"We don't have to get along. Have you seen the prince?" The man asks.

"We just saw him in town." Wyatt answers truthfully.

"Do you know where he is now?" The guard asks Wyatt again.


"Promise you'll stay here?"

"Why? Normally you'd jump at the chance to send me out with Jacklin and Greg."

"We already lost Jacklin. We lost communication with Greg's group. Last we heard was that the prince was with them."

"You're telling me that everyone I grew up with is probably dead. You just said that my sister is already confirmed dead." Wyatt says with a shaky voice.

"Wyatt, I'm sorry."

"Why did you make her join the guard?! She wanted to be a healer! Jacklin would still be alive if you didn't presser her!" Wyatt went from sad and scared to furious in just a few seconds. There's a cheer from down the hall and the guard ran off in that direction. Solisse and Wyatt exchange a look. They run down the hall after him and we follow. We go to a room filled with people. Some are celebrating, some are devastated and others are so busy that they remain blank.

"What just happened?" The guard we were talking to earlier asks the room.

"Communications with all groups have been restored!" One of the people celebrating yells. Then everyone freezes and looks to one of the corners. All the guards in the room bowed and I turned around to see prince Astrlee.

"Get back to work." He tells everyone. Everyone who has something to do does what they're supposed to. "Come with me." He tells us. We follow him out of the room and down the hall. "Nix!" He yells out and the primordial comes over. "Witch of my siblings had them. I know you're their grandmother." He tells her pointing to me and my sisters. It suprises me. This is my grandmother?

"I think they're Sydney's." Nix tells him looking at us. "That one looks like her when she was small." She continues pointing to Olivia.

"I'm going to go talk to her. Keep them all here." He tells Solisse and Wyatt then walks away.


He comes back about half an hour later with a lady. She has blonde almost brown hair and brown almost black eyes.

"Are they good?" She asks him nervously.

"Sydney, they're good kids don't worry about it." The prince reassures her. So this is our mother? She looks nice. Why did she give us up though?

"Are those them?" She asks him pointing to us.

"Yes. I have to go but you should still meet them." He says then disappears.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now