Miranda Foster

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Lee hasn't been able to go off the oxygen for more than 10 minutes at a time for 2 days now and his family's been here 3 days. Almost every time I see him he's asleep. There's always someone else in his room. Either some of his friends or his family.

"Astrlee!" I here a woman yell from down the hall. I rush down to see what's happening.

"Megan, this is a hospital. You can't yell." I hear Lee say hiding his accent.

"Sorry!" She whisper yells.

"You know you don't have to whisper." Lee tells her sitting up on the edge of his bed.

"How do you still look so good?" She tells him. His cheeks have sunk in but it really only makes him look more handsome. "How are you feeling?"

"Same as always." He tells her.

"You should go back to the palace. The queen's worried sick about you." She tells him.

"You shouldn't get drunk on a plane so I'm not getting on a plane with you until you're at least a week sober." He says letting his accent come through. She's awestruck at him then turns to Solisse who has barely left him.

"How did you get the Hot one? I thought he lost his accent after being here for so long. That was the only thing that mine had that yours didn't have at least 10x better." She whines.

"From what Lee told me you tried to take him." Solisse tells her obviously mad. Lee grabs her hand to try and calm her down.

"I didn't know he was dating you when I kissed him." Megan trys to defend herself.

"YOU WHAT?!" Solisse yells trying to get away from Lee's hold. He pulls her down so that she's sitting on his lap.

"Solisse, don't." He tells her. She still tries to get up but he holds her down. He leans down and kisses her temple, along her cheek to her lips. She practically melts into the touches. When he pulls away from the final kiss she almost whimpers from the loss of contact.

"Is she telling the truth?" She asks him with a sudden accent.

"It is true that she kissed me but I didn't return the kiss. I love you and no one can change that." He tells her. I wish my husband would be that caring. Why is it always the good ones that die young.

"He's perfect." I hear someone sigh behind me. I turn around to see Dr. DeWolf, Dr. Ying and Dr. Thompson behind me.

"He's just a guy." Dr. Thompson says.

"He's cute, caring, Hot, Sexy, --" Dr. Ying starts but is cut off by Dr. Thompson.

"Dieing and has a girlfriend. And don't three of the four things you said mean the same thing?"

"Don't the three of you have jobs to do?" I ask them.

"Our attendings are talking to his family and the guard won't let us in." They tell me.

"Doctor! Nurse! Help!" Megan yells from Lee's room. All 4 of us run over. Lee's heart beat is small and sparse. He's no longer awake. Dr. Thompson grabs his oxygen mask.

"Page doctors McKenzie, Elkin and Robinson!" I shout to some nurses. Not even a minute later all 3 are in the room.


7 hours in surgery later Lee's alive and should be able to breathe better. We're bringing him back to his room now but we're hiding out in a hallway right now because reporters are in the hall we need to go down.

"They're gone." Dr. DeWolf tells us. We run back to his room to see 2 palace guards at the door. They let us pass so I don't think anything of it until we get inside. The queen and king are in the room. First priority is the patient so we reconnect Lee to the monitor and main oxygen. It still amazes me how fast he recovers. We don't put him on the vent anymore because he'd always wake up less than an hour after surgery. After we make sure Lee's ok we turn to his visitors and bow. Solisse walks in and curtsey to the king and queen who bow back.

"You're majestys." Solisse says with that different accent.

"Lady Solisse." The queen says back. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how Lee was doing after the surgery." Solisse tells her.

"Child, it takes at least one day for someone to wake up from surgery." The queen tells Solisse. Solisse sits on the edge of his bed and brushes his hair out of his face.

"Not Lee." She tells the queen. Just then his heart rate picks up to regular rithum, something Lee hasn't had for almost a year, and he opens his eyes. He takes off his oxygen, sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed so that he's sitting next to Solisse. Luckily he's still wearing his jeans and the bandages cover his torso. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." He tells her hiding his own accent.

"I'm still mad at Megan." She tells him.

"Don't be. Nothing happened." Lee tells her.

"Nothing happened?! She kissed you and you say nothing happened!" She exclaims.

"Who am I spending my time with? Who's sitting beside me?" He asks her.

"I am but--" she's cut off by him kissing up her neck.

"But?" He whispers against her neck letting his accent come through. She seems to have lost her train of thought. "Exactly. She may have offered but I know who I love." He knows exactly what to do to be the most persuasive person in the room to the exact people he needs to persuade.

"Astrlee?" The king asks. Lee turns around to see the king and queen.

"Hello grandfather, grandmother." He tells them.

"Why does the good one have to be the one that dies?" The king mumbles.

"Pardon?" Lee asks him.

"You're the best of the family. You actually chose a girl that can help the family. You are persuasive and quick on your feet. You're the smartest. Needless to say you're the best looking of the family, I'm quoting the tabloids. You don't deserve the fate that was given to you." The king tells him.

"Grandfather, the heart chooses who the heart chooses. Solisse just happens to be of an important Greek bloodline." Lee tells him.

"She's the heir to her family and her family has vast control over the government in Greece." The queen tells him.

"My family has connections but we do not abuse them." Solisse tells them.

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