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Stealthily walking around the dimmed house. I grabbed expensive-looking items and the antique ones as many as I can. Ready to sell them at a high price since I needed the money for my supplies.

As I was about to grab an antique vase, the lights were turned on.

"Oh dear ", I heard an old woman's voice. I turned to her and saw worry in her eyes.
"Can you carry those properly dear? " she asked in kind tone making me confused.


"Here," she gave me a huge old sack," Put those here. It'll be easy for you to carry them." she gave me a warm smile.

I put the objects I snitched in the sack while giving the lady a confused look. "Uh.. Why..? "

"You probably need those more than me. " she replied, her smile still evident on her wrinkly face.

I stood there speechless, not knowing what to say.

"..uhm..thanks...bye" with that, I jumped out of the window and quickly dashed out of the village.

Displaying the items I took at the sidewalk of the streets of Tokyo. I waited for some people to purchase my products.

Welp, most of the items were sold.

Walking around the streets with a huge amount of money I have. I decided to buy the stuff I need.


I somehow kept on bumping with the old lady at Tokyo. It was to the point she would ask me to help her carry her stuff back to the village and because of that, she told me stay at a vacant house at the village when I told her that I lived alone. With that I was very grateful. To show my gratitude, I decided to help them with their work and errands.


"(Y/N)-san!" I looked over my shoulder and saw an old man or the physician of the village running to me.

"Yes sir? " I asked as my body turned to face him.

"Can you help me find this herb? I kinda ran out and I can't complete my medicine without this." He said while handing me picture of the herb.

I took the picture and observed it properly, "Sure no problem! Where can I find this though?"

"You can find this in the forest"

"Ah I see," I tucked the picture in my pocket," I'll be going then"

"You're not gonna wearing your hood? It's the first time I've seen you not wearing one while going out. " he asked whilst scratching his head.

"Haha yeahh, I just realized that it was such a hassle you know. It always blocks my vision and that's why I'm gonna start using my hairpin." I said as I pointed at my golden shiny hairpin on my head.

"Oh okay. Thanks (Y/N)-san! Be careful!"

"Of course~" I began to walk away but stopped in front of the Wisteria flowers.

"Should I? " I whispered to no one.

I plucked a bunch of it and walked out of the village.


"Hmm... Where are you.. " I muttered, already feeling annoyed.

"Ugh! It's already been an hour" I complained. I've been walking around in circles in this forest and still found nothing.

"I should go somewhere else" I decided to go check the deeper parts of the forest.

Just as I entered it, I already felt this eerie vibe which send shivers down my spine.

Strolling along this creepy place, I glanced at every corner hoping to find the needed herb as soon as possible.


It's already getting dark, and still, no herb found.

'shiiitt.. ' I need to get out of here. Demons might start appearing. Just thinking about that made my skin crawl. Thinking that there are demons ready to devour me in an instant. Shivering at that thought, I quickly went back to the path I came from, only to find it completely....dark.

'Great.. Just my luck! '

I just kept on walking and walking until I'll found my way out.

Just then, I heard an evil laugh making me flinch.

'nope' I started running. Turning to any path that I've come across to, unaware of a certain flower flying out of my pocket.

As I kept on running, I bumped into something making me fall on my bottom.
"HAHAHA where do you think you're going, my prey? "

I swirled my head at the voice and feel all the color drained my face but can't help crunch my nose in disgust.

"Ugh you look hideous" I unintentionally said out loud. Not regretting it tho.

Veins were poking out of his head as his all-red eye twitched in annoyance, "What did you say?! ", he yelled as his face went near mine, "You're just another weak and pitiful human. I can kill you instantly since I'm stronger than you."

"yeah..and hideous." I back my head away and felt it hit the trunk of a tree when the demon went nearer.

"Shut up! Grr... I'll just devour you right now and become a part of the Twelve Kizuki" he growled and was about to pounce on me when a familiar voice spoke out.


The demon stopped and even more veins are popping out...gross...

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY-" when he turned around he looked shocked to the owner of the voice, "Lo-Lord Muzan-"

Just as the name got out of his mouth, his head exploded.

I'm not even gonna..

I glanced up and stared infront of me to see the familiar two glowing red eyes with the cat-like pupils. It was going towards me as I just stared at his orbs. His slightly widening.

For some reason, it made me feel calm. When he was close to me. He stood infront, looking down on me.

"Who are you? " he asked or rather, demanded with his deep voice.

"(Y/N)..." I can't help but submit and obey to him.

"Are you...Muzan Kibutsuji...?" I asked in a hushed tone. Not averting my gaze from his. I saw his red orbs glinting.

"What if I am? "

I never took my eyes off him, "Can I ask you something...? This has been bothering me for a while now...but..
Have we met before? "

||"Underneath The Moonlight"|| Muzan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now