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Have we met before? " I asked him with a puzzled expression.

Suprised at this, Muzan widened his eyes and parted his lips slightly. "Why do you say that? "

"Well...it's just....everything about you, I mean everything, your eyes and name...are vaguely familiar...and it's bothering me.." I answered with an exasperated look.

"There's nothing I can do about that." he said in bored tone.

"Oh..anyway..uhh..Thanks.. " I got up and dusted the dirt off me. He furrowed his eyebrows, "For what? "

"For you know...saving me from a...demon"

He looked at me, amused. "Save you? " He glared at me dead in the eye and move his head directly infront of mine, "Why would I save a mere human like you?"

Stunned at the closeness, I felt my cheeks starting to heat up.
"Wha- I-I...w-weren't you..? " I gulped as I stuttered.

what the heck? Why did I effing stutter?

Probably because a hot guy- err a demon is inches away from my face right now.

Did I just call him hot? Well... I'm not wrong but- OK STAPH

I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard him spoke.

"Tch. I didn't save you. It was his fault his head exploded."

"Well..yeah.. But he did say your name....before his head exploded...why? "

". . . That's none of your business " he answered coldly.
I gulped again, "O-oh...well I'll be g-going now..hehe..bye" I dashed on the opposite direction and ran through the darkness.

As I continue to run, Muzan suddenly appeared in front me making me fall down.

"...ouch" I immediately stood up and rubbed arm. "Uhh...can I help you . . . ?"

"Do you know me? " he asked, his voice filled with malice.

"I. . . .y-yeah?–I don't know. . ." I sighed. "As I said, you just look familiar "

"Oh?", He brought up his hand and suddenly sharp blue nails came out.

I flinched at the sight, too nervous to move. "Wha–so you really are a demon. . . "

"(Y/N)-chan! " I heard someone shout my name. I turned my head and saw the familiar burgundy haired-boy and a few others coming.

"Tanjiro!" I called excitedly.

"Muzan! I recognized his scent. Where is he?! "

"Well.. He's-" I cut myself off when I didn't see the demon in front of me," He was here..but now he's gone"

"He didn't hurt you did he? " he asked worriedly.

"I think he was going to hurt me but then you guys arrive. . . .so..no?" I scratched my head awkwardly. I glanced behind him and saw two other people-or uhh.. A person and a..boar-headed guy..

"TANJIRO!" the blond guy yelled out. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU KNEW A BEAUTIFUL GIRL LIKE HER? HUH?!HUH? " He grabbed Tanjiro by his shoulders and shook him aggressively.

"AHAHAHAHA" the boar guy suddenly laughed out loud.

'uhmm. . . Is this normal? '

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT BOAR FACE?! " the blond let Tanjiro go, making him fell due to dizziness.

"Are you okay?" I went to the burgundy boy and laughed.

"Y-yeah.. Just dizzy" he then, smiled widely at me,"Oh! I want you to meet my friends, although we just met hours ago, but the blond guy over there is Zenitsu Agatsuma and the guy with the boar mask is Inosuke Hashibira. " he said while pointing at the two who were bickering.

"Guys! I want you to meet
(Y/N)-san! "

"(Y/N)-chan~" I heard the blond, who is now known as Zenitsu, called me.

"Yeah? " I looked at him as he was swaying sideways with pink hues over his cheeks.

"(Y/N)-chann~" He suddenly lunged at me, his arms around my waist.

"AH!" I tried to push him away but his grip was too tight.

"Yah! Zenitsu let her go" Tanjiro said as he helped me pull away Zenitsu.

After a few minutes, we successfully pulled him away.
"What were you doing Zenitsu? That was rude you know" Tanjiro scolded him.

"But Tanjiro-kunnn" he whined as he places his hands on Tanjiro's shoulders.

"No buts"

I quietly laughed at them, "Anyways, what were you guys doing out here in the woods? " I questioned them.

"We had a mission in some abandoned house in the forest and I met Zenitsu on the way there and met Inosuke inside the house. " Tanjiro explained.

"How about you? What are ypu doing in here? It's already late. Demons are already snaking around at this time. "

"I need to find a herb" I showed him a picture of the herb, hoping if he or any of them knows where to find it, "Have you seen it? "

"Yeah! I think I've seen those while walking around here. "

"Really?! Let's gooo" I exclaimed happily.


"Thanks for letting us stay here (Y/N)-chan! " Tanjiro thanked me as he drank his cup of water.

"No problem. It's the least I can do." I gave him a small smile, "Then I'll be off to bed. Goodnight guys" I bid the three of them good night.

"Night (Y/N)-chan! "

"Good night (Y/N)-chan~"

". . .night"




So sorry heeheehee


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