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We're having our lunch on a seafood restaurant at the sea side and I ordered Lisa's favorite, buttered shrimp!. He was surprised when I ordered his favorite food. He gave me the sweetest smile he could ever have. While we're eating I still can't forget about what happened to us last night. Our heated kiss was too much that I wanted more.

" Lisa... " I said

"Hmm? " He hummed and not even looking at me because he's busy eating his buttered shrimp. He so adorable. I chuckled.

" I want us to have a baby! " I said excitedly and I was surprised when he suddenly chokes his food. I quickly stood up and let him drink water. " You ok? " I said while I pat his back.

" Y-you want to have w-what? " He asked looking so surprised. Doesn't he want us to have a baby?

" A baby! " I said excitedly as I sit back on my seat. " We'll be great as parents! I was wondering why we still don't have a child when we are already married for years "


Shit! She wants a baby! What should I tell her so that she won't get upset. Think Lisa think!... Ah!

" Uhmm.. Jennie about having a baby.. " I said and she looks at me with her shining eyes. She must've really want us to have our baby. If we're still married we could but we aren't. It reminded me when we were expecting our first child... She was also so happy to know that she's pregnant but unfortunately she got miscarriage because she slipped on the floor after our small fight. She was following me when I went out the house to get some fresh air but something unfortunate happened, she got miscarriaged and that when everything ended. That day was the worst.

"Lisa? " Jennie said making me back on my senses.

"Ahh.. Right. Jennie do you really want us to be parents? " I asked her and she nodded

" Why? You don't like? " She asked and I can see disappointment in her face.

" It's not that I don't like having our own baby it's just that-" I was cutted when she stood up and walk out. I sigh as I was watching her go out of the restaurant. After few seconds later I followed her but as soon as I got out she went back to me with blood stains on her dress and hands! Shit!

" Jennie! What happened!" I said

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