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"JENNIE WHAT HAPPENED!? " I was shocked to see her with blood stains on her clothes and hands.  " Are you hurt?! " I added as I start to get panic.

"N-no I'm not b-but a  w-woman is bleeding. She's pregnant!" She said and started to cry  and pulled me where the woman is.  A lot of people saw the woman and called the ambulance.

Jennie let go of my hand and kneeled next to the unconsious woman. 

" I-i know a near hospital here " I said as I quickly kneeled next to the woman and carried her in a bridal style. Jennie followed me behind. It reminds me a lot of what happened to her.  People helped me get a taxi but when I looked back jennie was not around!

" Jennie! where are you?! " I shouted but the people told me to move fast and bring the woman to the hospital. I quickly put the woman at the backseat of the taxi and I sat on the front seat.  The taxi driver drove fast to the hospital.


On the other hand jennie was stopped by her intense head ache.  It's the first time her head hurts so much. She couldn't follow Lisa and the woman. 

Jennie groans in pain and fell on the ground.  People are starting to  try to help her.  But she can't understand what they're saying.  A lot of pictures comes out of her mind. Pictures of her and her family, Lisa , her bestfriends. Everything comes out of her mind their memories even the happiest and worst ones came back.

Jennie cried out and sweating while resisting the pain.

"Lisa.... " Jennie weakly called the name of lisa then she completely passed out. Few minutes the ambulance came and  bring jennie to the nearest hospital.



After bring the woman to the hospital I went back at the seaside to look for jennie. 

' jennie where are you? ' I thought.  It's getting dark and I still can't see Jennie.  I'm so worried and nervous for her. I roamed the whole seaside multiple times but still no sign of her.  I kept on calling her phone but she won't answer.

" What happened Jennie?! " I said as I kept on dialing her phone when she finally answered. 

"Jennie!Where are you?  Are you ok? " I asked her but she won't answer.  " Jennie where are you?  I'll come and get you b-" She turned off the call.

What happened to her?  Did she remember everything? Or she's still disappointed of earlier at the restaurant?



I'm on the hospital bed crying. I hate him!  I really hate him!.  Now that I remember everything!  I wont let him deceive me again!

He called me many times but I didn't answer.  I tried to answer his call once but I didn't say anything.  He asked me where I am. He sounds so worried and almost crying but I turned off the phone. 

My parents,  friends called me but I never answered their calls. They all deceived me! They took advantage of my amnesia! I hate all of them.

I remember all the lies that Lisa said to deceive me. His I love yous,  lovely talks and the kisses and actions he did with me when I don't remember everything .  My heart aches everytime I remember that.

I hate it because it felt so true but in fact it's all fake!

After crying for a long time I called the doctor to come in my room.  I asked if I could go home and he said its ok for me but i need to take a good rest when I come back home.



Lisa is seating in the living room and kept on taking glances on the front door. He was waiting for Jennie for hours.  He wished that Jennie is perfectly fine and if she remembers everything. He hoped that Jennie won't hate and resent him. 

He got startled when the door suddenly opens.  As soon as he sees Jennie, he hugged her tight but Jennie pushed him away.

" Jennie... " Lisa said.  He tried to hold jennie's hand but jennie won't let him " Let me explain"

"Explain what!? " Jennie harshly asked

" I- "

"You want to explain then deceive me like what you did when I don't remember everything?! " Jennie said as tears started to come out of her eyes. He hates seeing jennie cry because of him.

" Jen I didn't want to d- "

" Just shut up..and leave me alone " Jennie said and entered their room. 

Lisa punched the wall beside him multiple times making his knuckles bleed.  He didn't mind the pain on his hand as the pain in his heart hurts more.  He couldn't help but cry silently.  He regret falling for jennie again.  He regret the decision he made in the first place. 

Now that Jennie remembers everything.  There's nothing but hate and regret in between them. 

The warmths they shared for the few months didn't mean a thing anymore.  The words that Lisa truthfully said was now  nothing to Jennie.

Lisa knew that one day this day will come. He readied himself for this day but why can't he accept and remove the hurt that's hovering in his chest. 

He stood up still crying and went out.  He took off his shirt because it has blood stains from earlier. He threw it and went to the nearest beach bar. 

" 3 bottles of gin. " He said to the bartender. The bartender noticed the bleeding hand of Lisa.

"Are you ok sir?  " The bartender asked

" No I'm pls.  Give me 3 bottle of gin "  He said and the bartender nodded.


Jennie took a bath then fixed her things because she doesn't wanna see Lisa anymore.  She hates him so much that every time she sees him, her heart aches.  She kept on remembering Lisa's sweet words as what Jennie believes are fake.

After fixing everything.  She went out with her luggage. She saw Lisa sleeping near the front door outside.  She also saw his bleeding face and hand. 

Lisa got into a fight while he's drunk and managed to walk back to their rest house. 

Jennie's heart aches and she hated it.  Seeing Lisa like this hurts her.  She thinks her heart aches because of the hate and anger she have to Lisa.

Jennie decided to leave Lisa..  

"Pls. Don't leave me.. " Lisa mumbled and it made jennie stop. She heard him crying " Pls... I love you... "  But jennie still left him.

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