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Few months has passed and the relationship of Jennie and Lisa are getting stronger than ever.  All of their friends and family knows that they are together.

Jennie also moved back to Lisa's house and there they are living together and making the most of their free time together. 

Lisa was planning to propose to Jennie because he wants her to be his officially and legally.  He loves her so much and the same as Jennie.

Lisa was with yena,  Yuri, rosé,  jisoo,  and eunbi. They are helping lisa prepare for his proposal.  Lisa wants everything to be special and memorable. He cooked Jennie's favorite food and develop a lot of their pictures and wrote something at the back.  He also used jennie's wedding ring as his proposal ring to jennie. Everything was perfectly prepared.

" Thanks for helping me prepare guys!  Couldn't do this without you" I said

" Welcome bro! We're happy to help you" Yena said and hugged me. 

I can't help but to feel nervous and excited. Any minutes now and jennie will be home. I was planning to put a blind fold on jennie  while the others ready themselves to surprise her.

I saw Jennie by the window.

" Get ready guys!  She's already here" I said and quickly ran to the door and opened it.  Jennie was startled. " Hi babe " I added and gave her a peck on her lips.

" I missed you~" She said and wrap her arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed back after few seconds I broke our kiss.

" You always miss me.. " I said

" What can I do?  You always comes out of my mind" She said and I chuckled.

" Before you come in.. " I said and put the blindfold to her.

" Why?  You have a surprise? " She asked and giggled

" Even more better" I said and guide her to the living room.  Everything is settled now all I need is to ask jennie.

I kneeled in front of her and opened the small box for her to see. 

" Jennie babe.. Remove the blindfold.." I said and smiled  widely at her.  Her reaction never failed me.  She was shocked and happy. The BGM  began to play.

" Jennie.. We've been into good and bad situations and you've always been my inspiration and special to me. I promise to be the best and the strongest man for you.  I won't let anything separate us. I've never had anyone make me feel the way you make me feel and  my heart is sure that it wants to be with you. I love you so much Jennie..  I will do anything for us to be happy and start our own happy family... So Will you marry me? " I said as the both of us became teary.  We've been into a lot of obstacles and got seperated but in the end fate still bring us together...

" Yes! " She happily said.  I smiled widely and stood up.  I put the ring on her ring finger and we hugged tightly.  Our friends started to applause and congratulate us. 

" KISS! KISS! KISS! " Jisoo shouted then everyone started to join her.  I didn't hesitate to  kiss jennie.  I leaned for a kiss and she kissed back.  It was a passionate kiss that we will remember.

" Guys you can stop now! " Rosé said and all of us laughed. 

" I love you so much Lisa " Jennie said while hugging my arm.

" I love you more Jennie.. " I said

" I can't believe I'm getting married to my ex " She said and chuckled.

" Believe it or not this ex won't let you down. " I said and laughed " I told you I will make you head over heels for me"

" Well you succeeded " Jennie said

" You're totally mine now Jennie.. I wouldn't been happier " I said then we kissed again.


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