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It's Sunday and  I decided to stay at my house this afternoon and later evening I have a blind date.  Work is stressing me these days not to forget Lisa who keeps on texting and calling me.  He won't stop even I told him hundreds of times.

  I'm watching bird box when suddenly someone knocked on my door.  Who could it be?

I opened the door only to see Lisa with a small cut on his right cheek. How did he know my address?

" Hi Jennie " He said with a smile  and entered my house

" Lisa what are you doing here?! " I said

" Didn't you see I'm hurt?  You won't even ask where I got this cut? " He pouted and point at his small wound.

" I won't you can go now.. " I said and crossed my arms

" I went to see Chaeyoung and  the little guy gave me this.." He said and pointed at his cut pouting
" And also i want to cook dinner for you " He added and let me see the plastic bag he's holding.

" How did you know my address? " I asked

" uhmm.. I asked your dad " He said and went to the kitchen.  I followed him and he was already getting ready to cook.

" I have a blind date later so I can't eat with you " I said then he stopped doing his work and looked at me with a furrowed eyebrows. "Lisa we can be friends or even best friends if you like but you should know your limitations as my friend"

" Ok.. Let's be best friends then!  " He said. I was surprised by his answer I thought he would be upset or get mad. He continued what he's doing.  " As your friend please eat what I will cook for you,  don't worry I'll cook quickly so you can have time to fix yourself for your blind date " He added. Why do I feel bad all of a sudden? .  I should be happy right? .  I nodded at him and continued watching bird box.


Ouch... Ouch... Ouchhh...
That hurts so bad but I didn't let her see or notice.  Blind date? Best friends? I suddenly lost my energy by hearing those 2 words.

But still I continued cooking for her doing my best to make her happy as her FRIEND. I even cooked her favorite honey cub fried chicken..

Once I finished cooking,  I called Jennie. She went in the kitchen surprised after knowing what I cooked for her.

" Especially made for my best friend! It's your favorite!  Honey cub fried chicken" I said and I was mesmerized looking at her shiny eyes. 

" Wow.. " She said " That's my favorite! "

" I made this for you because I know its your favorite" I said and gave  her a piece.  She took a bite happily.

" it's delicious as always " She said then I smiled at her.  I remembered the time when we had honey cub fried chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 2 weeks when we were still married.  She won't get tired of its taste.

" I'll cook that for you anytime you want " I said and smiled weakly at her.  I still couldn't get rid of the 2 words that she mentioned earlier. It was breaking my heart into pieces.  " Jennie " I said and she  looked at me " Can I get a hug as  a thank you? "

" Lisa.. " She said

" Don't worry its only as a Friendly hug " I said and open my arms for her to hug me.  I was greatful that she gave me a hug.  I hug her tight and quickly let go. 

" Thanks for cooking me this.. " She said and I nodded "you should eat too" She added but I shook my head 

" No I'm ok " I said and faked laugh " I'm already full just looking at you...  I should go now,  you need to fix yourself for your blind date "  I said and went out of the kitchen. She said something but I didn't hear it well.  I got out of her house.  I was about to go out of her gate when she stopped me by holding my hand. I turn around to look at her.

" Why did you leave so quick? We should get your face treated first " She said and pulled me back in her house.  She let me sit on her sofa

" Wait here I'll just get my first aid " She said and went in her room.

She came back with her first aid kit and sat beside me.  She took a cotton and alcohol to clean my wound.  She leaned close to get a nice view of my wound.  Don't do this to me Jennie!  If you keep on doing this to me I might not give up on you.  I looked at her beautiful eyes and plump lips that I crave for.

" Does it hurt? " She asked and I shook my head signaling her that it doesn't hurt. 

" Why are you so beautiful Jennie? I just hate it when I keep on seeing everything about you so perfect " I said and she looked at me. Shit those eyes!  " Don't look at me like that Jennie.. I might regret that I agreed on us being just friends.. "  I said then after few seconds " Now regret is hitting me and it hurts you know.. "

Jennie didn't say anything.  She sigh after putting a bandaid on my wound.

" Won't you say anything? " I said getting frustrated.  She just looked at me. " I'm taking back what I agreed on earlier.. I just can't let go of you yet even if I don't have the right " I added

" Lisa You're making me confused to the point I am left speechless.. " Jennie said

" Then I am something to you? " I asked

" Yeah you're my ex husband that won't give up on me and a good friend "

" Honestly saying, I don't want to hear the word 'friend' from you Jennie, my heart hurts so bad "

" Then why did you agree earlier if it hurts you"

" Because you might push me away if I didn't agree and it will hurt me more.. " I said


Their hearts keep on aching as they keep on arguing.  Jennie knowing the side of Lisa felt the pain in her heart.  She's aware that she's hurting him but something in their past being a hindrance for her to open her heart again for Lisa.

She's afraid that she will feel the loneliness and hurt again.

" I need to fix myself.. " Jennie said as she stood up but Lisa pulled her. Making her fall onto him. She quickly stood up the same as Lisa.

" We're talking Missy.. "  Lisa said " We're not done yet"

" For what i know we've been done for a long time Lisa.. I'm sick of this..I keep on telling you and arguing with you but nothing happens!  I have told you many times that we can't be together!  Why can't you just accept that?! "  Jennie said as her tears started to flow out

" Because I felt something Jennie..  I also want to forget you but I can't.. I want to find someone better but I can't.. Because I felt like I still have a chance to prove you how much I love you.. " Lisa said

" Didn't you just helped me because of my mother?! "

"Yes but also because of you..  Because you've been a big part of my life Jennie. Everything I say and I did when you don't remember anything is all true and I don't think you're taking me seriously"

" Why do you keep on making me look like it's my fault when you're the one to blame in the very moment when our love ended. If only you didn't walk out.. We should been together and happy by now! I'm afraid to feel the same hurt and loneliness again if i let you be with me ! " Jennie said as Lisa was surprised to know what Jennie really feels. The burden and the hurtful memory that Jennie hates won't go.  Lisa hugged Jennie tightly and letting her cry on his shoulders. 

" Im sorry.. " Lisa said as he felt so useless and regret is hunting him.  " If only I tried to understand you better and stayed longer we should be happy until now.. "

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