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I just woke up and saw Jennie still sleeping beside me. Jennie cried so much last  night that she was exhausted and slept hugging me.  I carried her to her bed and I decided to sleep beside her. 

Her eyes are swollen from yesterday. I Caressed her hair making sure that I won't wake her up.  I love the sight of her sleeping beside me. 

" Goodmorning Jen. " I said quietly and I couldn't keep my smile.  I was watching her sleeping. Looking at her so perfect features. I don't know why i felt like a big burden disapeared in me maybe its because of yesterday.  She finally opened up her feelings and frustrations. I was startled when she flinched but i still keep my eyes on her.

She slowly opened her eyes. Shit why does someone look so pretty just by waking up?  She literally got me head over heels for her!.

" Goodmorning.. " I said and she quickly covered her face with the blanket. 

" You slept with me last night? " She asked and I nodded.

" You we're crying so much,  I though you needed someone to be with you " I said and gently caressed her hair. She just looked at me then sat up. I also sat up.

" Thanks for yesterday.. I don't know why but I felt so relieved now.." She said and I held her hand.

" Welcome.. " I said " So....  Will you give me a chance? "

" I don't know... " She said and I let her face me. I cupped her cheeks.

" Jennie..  I promise you that I won't let you feel the same loneliness and hurt you felt in the past. I want us to start over  again" I said

" What if yo-... " I cut her by giving her a peck on her lips.  Her face turned red. I giggled  on the sight.

" Just try to open your heart and I'll make sure you'll go head over heels for me, like i am now to you " I said and winked at her.


I went back home to fix myself for work and I was late but it's fine.  I noticed that mina keeps on giving glances at me. I smiled at her but she looked sad and didn't mind me at all.  We actually didn't talk since the accident at the club happened.  I should apologize to her and make sure Chaeyoung won't see us or else we could get into fight again.  That guy is so little but when he gets mad he gets stronger than  you can ever imagine. 

I stood up and went near to mina's table.

" Mina can we talk? " I said " I have something important to tell you.. " I added and she nodded.  We went at the conference room where no one is there. I held her hand and looked at her.

" Look mina, I'm very very sorry about what happened at the club.  I am really out of my mind at that time. I should've been more careful.. " I said and she was teary

" It's ok.. " She said but I know she's not.  She still have her sad eyes.  " Lisa... " She called me

" Hm? " I said then she hugged me.  I hugged her back because I thought I should comfort her since she's crying because of me.

" I love you.. " She said as she break our hug. I was surprised to know she has feelings for me. 
" It's been so long since I've been hiding my feelings and it hurts me whenever you act kind and caring towards me because I know you will never like me.. "

" I'm sorry mina..It's not like I won't fall for you but someone's already have my heart.. " I said and she nodded.

" Don't worry about me " She said and faked laughed " I forgive you and besides I already have Chaeyoung
He's taking care of me well" She added

" I'm happy for you two " I said

" Did Chaeyoung did that to you? " She asked and I nodded.

" He's a little beast I guess " I said and we laughed " He really loves you mina,  I can see it in his eyes"

" Yeah.. He's also gets easily jealous but he's really cute and nice " She said and I can see her blushing.  " He also gives my surprises often"

" You do know that you're blushing just by talking about him do you? " I asked and she covered her cheeks.  I chuckled " It must be love~" I said teasing her.  She hit my left arm. " Ouch.. " I said Extragerating my reaction.  We both laughed and had a nice talk until we noticed that we needed to get back to work.


After work I didn't go straight home. I drive to Jennie's house.  I was near the gate when I saw her hugging a man at the front door of her house . My eyebrows frowned and my heart aches. Who the hell is that man.  I quickly  parked my car and got out and went near them. I faked coughed and got their attention.

" Oh Lisa!" Jennie said obviously surprised on my sudden interference.  The man looked at me and I won't deny that he's more good looking than me.

" Hi Babe " I said as I glared at the man. " Who is he? "

" I didn't know you already have a boyfriend Jennie" The man said and Jennie denies. Ouch..

" Actually she's my fiance " I said and shook hands with him " And you are? "

" I'm jisung...jennie's first love " He said and touched his nape. The fuck?! Jennie never mention her first love not even once to me.  I went near Jennie and wrapped my arms on her shoulder. " I'm just v- "

" I don't think you should be here especially when I'm here " I said and Jennie removed my arm around her.

" Stop it ok?  He's just visiting me. We're good friends. " She said to me.  " Sorry about him.. He's just jealous that's why.. " Jennie said to jisung.

" No it's ok Jennie " He said and laughed " It's good to see you with someone now I thought you were still single "

" I was but now I'm taken..btw Thanks for visiting me ,see you soon" Jennie said and the guy nodded

" Bye!  " He bid goodbye " Don't forget to invite me on your wedding "

Jennie was about to reply to him but I covered her mouth.

" Sure bro! The wedding will be soon..  We won't forget to invite you " I said then we both entered to her house. 

"What takes you here? " Jennie asked as she closed the door.

" I missed you that's why I'm here " I said " But i caught you with your FIRST LOVE that you've never mentioned to me ever since we've known each other " I said emphasizing the word.

" I just don't think it's necessary to tell you  " She said and sat on the sofa.  I followed her. " And also you've never asked"

" But still.. " I said

" And don't say that your my boyfriend or fiance to others " She said

" Why?  I love you and you love me.. " I said and pouted. I side hug her and I can see her trying to control her smile.

" Who says I love you?  " She asked

" Your actions..i will tell that you're my fiance to whoever I want to and make sure they know that I own you. " I said and give her a peck on her lips.  She was surprised and I giggled on the sight. " Didn't you know I almost lost my temper earlier.  I was so jealous "

" Aren't you going home?  It's getting late" She said and I shook my head

" I'll sleep here with you babe" I said and she didn't refused.  She must've like my presence.

" Can we cuddle later?.. " She said and I was surprised on her sudden request. I smirked and hug her tighter and leaned near her face.

" We can do it now babe if you want.. " I said and she giggled.

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