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"You ok?.. " Rosé said when she saw jisoo looking so sad.

" Lisa is such a shit these past weeks..i just don't like seeing him having a hard time " Jisoo said and rosé held her hand. They were sight seeing at the Namsan Tower. " How's Jennie Unnie btw? "

" She's doing fine.. She also returned working " Rosé said

" Good for her " Jisoo said and smiled to rosé.


Lisa's CEO at work, Mr. Lee called Lisa to come to his office as he notice that Lisa's performance is getting low.

" Good afternoon sir.. Is there anything you want to ask me? " Lisa said looking so tired and a bit Haggard because he keeps of drinking at night.

" Mr. Manoban I noticed your performance is getting low and I want you to remind you about that " Mr. Lee said

" I'm sorry sir.. I'm just having a hard time focusing these days. It's been tough for me.. " Lisa said and bowed to Mr. Lee

" Just get yourself together again and don't let your personal problems interfere your work.. " Mr. Lee said and Lisa nodded " Btw we will be having a meeting later with the Leeway company for our joint project and I want you to be there with me"

" Ok Sir " Lisa said

" You can go now.. " Mr. Lee said and gave Lisa a smile. Lisa smiled weakly and left his office.


Lisa, Mr. Lee and other staffs went at the conference room and waited for the Leeway company CEO and staffs to come.

After few minutes of waiting, leeway company CEO and staffs finally came and one staff caught the attention of Lisa. He couldn't keep his eyes off her and the latter saw him staring at her but she shrugged it off. It was Jennie and she didn't expect to see Lisa joining the meeting even if she knew that the meeting gonna be held at the place where Lisa works.

Even when the meeting starts he can't stop looking at her. Instead of listening on the meeting he was busy doing something else.

" Mr. Manoban, what do you think about Mr. Son 's presentation. " Leeway company's CEO asked Lisa. Lisa was startled and got nervous as he doesn't understand anything because he was doing something else.

" Uhm.. His p-presentation was very p-precise and I think this joint project of our company and the leeway company will be a success. We'll be looking forward for more projects with your company Mr. Cho " Lisa said. He hopes that the others won't notice him knowing nothing.

" Thanks for you wonderful remarks Mr. Manoban " The CEO replied and Lisa smiled.


The meeting ended and everyone way greeting each other goodbye. When Lisa held the hand of jennie. Gosh he missed her soft hands so much. He took her outside the conference room and went somewhere quiet. Jennie pulled her hand off Lisa's.

" What do you want? " She said

" I missed you so much Jennie.. How are you? " Lisa said while smiling widely at her. " I didn't know you're already working. " He added

" I-i'm.. Doing very fine without you.. And btw thanks for helping me bring back my memories. My parents and eunbi said that I should thank you.. " Jennie said. Lisa heartaches as he knew jennie was forced to thank him by her parents and eunbi and not by herself. " What about you? "

" I'm not doing well.. " He said again held Jennie's hands. He kissed it " I know I shouldn't do this but I love you jennie... "

"Lisa... " Jennie said looking directly on Lisa 's sad eyes. Her heart starts to beat fast.

" Jennie I can't forget the moments we spent these past months.. i love you and missed you much, don't you feel the same?.. " Lisa cupped Jennie's face and near his face.

"I- "

" I want you back Jennie.. " Lisa said and leaned for a kiss. Jennie didn't know what to do. She's having mixed emotions. She let Lisa kiss her after the kiss she came back to her senses.

" I need to go.. " Jennie said and got out of the room.



What did I just let him do?!. I quickly walked out of the building. I keep on walking I didn't notice that I bumped someone holding a coffee.

" What the fuck?! Hey Ms. watch where you're going " The violent woman was about to lay her hands on me when somebody stopped her.

" Don't ever hit my wife Missy.. " Lisa said and I looked at him. Wife?! " You should also watch where you're going.. " He added and the woman left.

" You ok?" He asked and wrapped his coat on me. I almost forgot that woman splashed her coffee on my dress. Luckily the coffee wasnt hot.

" Yes.. " I replied and I noticed he looked at my chest! I covered it with his coat and hit his arm.

" Hey! " I Said and he looked away. This pervert!

" No need to cover that from me jennie I've seen that many times" He said and chuckled.

" I hate you! " I said and he nodded. He took my hand and we went at a near clothe shop.

"Choose what ever you like I'll pay for it" He said acting cool. Hmmp!

" I can buy it myself" I said as I look for a dress. When I already found the dress I wanted he held my hand.

" Thats too short and fitted for you jennie..Choose something else " He said he said looking serious. At the moment I feel scared by him. He took the dress I picked and returned it. He took a black-loose dress with long sleeves. " This suits you better " He said and smiled.

" No I don't want that, I'll choose what I want. " I said but he didn't let go of my hand. " Can you please let go? "

" I won't let go of you Jennie unless you wear what I want you to wear. " He said and I scoffed

"Excuse me? Who are you? " I asked.

" You didn't know? I'm your ex husband" He said

"Exactly! " I said and he nodded

" That's why I want you to wear this" He said and smiled at me.

" Seriously?!" I said and he nodded. He pushed me at the change room. I sigh and wear the dress he gave me. What else can I do if he keep on insisting me to wear this dress. I felt that he's controlling me. I got out of the changing room.

"Perfect! " He said happily. " You always look beautiful in everything you wear " He said and I suddenly felt butterflies on my stomach. Seriously?! I'm getting confused of my feelings for him.

" Let's go..dont worry I already payed for the dress" He said and dragged me out of the store

"Don't worry I'll pay you later.. " I said

" Can you pay me by staying by my side until this day ends? " I was surprised of his sudden statement.

" Uhm..O-ofcourse no.. " I stuttered and he pouted. My heart suddenly starts to beat fast. "Don't act cute in front of me. "

" Why? Did I make your heart flutter babe? " He said and smirked.

" Shut up. " I said

" You often say that to me " He said

" Well you deserve it. " I said

" Cook for me Jennie... " He suddenly said " I missed your cooking" I sighed

" I won't Lisa.. We are already divorced, I'm your ex wife and your my ex husband.. We shouldn't do things like nothing happened to us in the past. " I said making him clear of our limitations.

" Well yeah, I'm your ex husband and also soon to be husband, so what's wrong? " He said

"who says? "

"Me" He said " I'll make you fall for me again like what you did to me " He added and chuckled.

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