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Lisa got home a day after jennie left him at their rest house.  He tried to look for Jennie in their house but he didn't see her.  He realized the painful truth that Jennie really left him after he saw Jennie's things are now gone.


I sat on my bed and facepalm my face.  I wanted to cry but knowing that it will do nothing, I  tried my best to control my tears. I knew this will happen  but why do I feel so weak ,now that she's not by my side.  I miss her already...




I went back to my apartment with my things. I texted eunbi to come and thankfully she did.

I heard the door opened, i knew it was eunbi . I was seating on the sofa crying. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

" I- I hate all of you..  Why did you deceived me when I lost all of my memories.. " I said and she  patted my back " Why with him? Why did you let me be with him again? " I added.

" I'm so sorry Jennie.. " She said as she tighten our hug " I was also shocked when I knew that he was with you and knew that you lost your memories.. "

" I want to hate you, rosé and my parents but I can't do it.."

" Jennie...We did that for you to recover an- "

" But still!  Why did you let me be with him! " I said and broke our hug.  She held my hand. 

" Your mom thinks it's the best way for you..  She's just so worried and scared if you won't remember everything.. " She said.  " Speaking of Lisa where is he? " She asked

" I left him.. " I said and wiped my tears. " I won't forgive him.. H-"

" But he helped you.. " She said and my heartached.  I really hate my heart feeling so weak for him.

" All he did was fake and he deceived me.. "

" What if he isn't faking?..  You should've thanked him.. He take good care of you and leaving him instantly will hurt him" She scolded

" Eunbii!  I told you to come here to comfort me,  not scold at me " I said. She chuckled.


I'm on my bed staring at the ceiling when I heard my room door opened.  It's my parents.  I stood up and they hugged me tight.

" My daughter I missed you so much! " My mom said crying. I weakly smiled.

" We're sorry if we let Lisa involved.. " My dad said and I just smiled and nodded.

After a long talk with my parents they also told me to thank Lisa for helping me. They left after telling that.


Lisa was in the club drinking a lot and making him self drown in alcohol. 

Jisoo and yena was looking at him from afar.

" I knew it..  He will be like that again " Yena said and took a shot of vodka.

" I feel sorry for him... " Jisoo said " I really hate  seeing him like that.. "

" If only he didn't let himself fall for jennie he won't be like this " Yena said.

" Well we both know that him falling for Jennie again is not impossible " Jisoo said " He's head over heels for her for so long " She added and yena nodded.


" Lisa... " A woman said and Lisa turned his head to look at the woman that called her.  It was mina.. " I didn't expect to see you here! " She said while smiling

" Jennie... " Lisa mumbled.  Mina didn't hear what he said because the music in the club was too loud. 

" What happened to your face? did you got in a fight? " Mina worriedly asked but Lisa is not on his right mind because of alcohol.

Lisa mistaken mina as jennie. He stood up from his seat and come near mina.  He hugged her tight knowing it was Jennie.

" Are you ok? " Mina said and became worried to Lisa acting like this

" I missed you.. " He said as he looked directly in her  eyes.  She couldn't help but to blush and her heart starts to beat fast.

"Lis- "  Mina was cutted when Lisa kissed her.  She was shocked and froze.  When Lisa tried to deepen their kiss that's when mina gave up and kissed him back.  She wants this moment to last forever.  She felt butter flies in her stomach.  Lisa broke the kiss.

" I love  you J-jennie.. " Lisa said and mina's heart broke into pieces.  She knew he mistaken her to be jennie She wants to cry. she liked Lisa for a long time and she thought Lisa finally likes her back but she assumed wrong. 

L-lisa..I-it's me m-mina.. " Mina stuttered.  That's when Lisa realized the one he kissed was not jennie but mina.

" M-mina I'm s-so sorry.. " Lisa said as he caressed his nape. Mina nodded and left him.  As soon as she went out of the club that's when her tears flow out of her eyes. 

Chaeyoung was walking to buy food for him to eat when he saw mina walking on the streets crying.  He quickly run to her.

" Mina are you ok?  " He asked as he was trying to lift mina's face.

" No I'm not! " Mina said and Chaeyoung nodded.  He hugged mina and mina hugged him back. " I look pathetic assuming he likes me back.." She added and that's when Chaeyoung knew that it was related to Lisa.

" You should had given me a chance mina.. " He said " To prove you how much I like you.. If you did, You wouldn't cry because of him anymore.. "

" Help me forget him.. " Mina said as she continues to cry while hugging Chaeyoung.

" Will do princess.. " He said.

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