Meeting again!? wait what? Louis? Girlfriend? Who?!?

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*the day after in the morning*

*ringtone Best Song Ever*

Camille : oh my god i didnt change that !

Niall : why best song ever is playing ?

Camille : cause its my ringtone ?

Niall : but you're not a Directioner

Camille : i have right to like this song !

Niall : and what other songs of us do you like ?

Camille : *in her mind* all of them !

Camille : i think thats all but i don't remember the names of some songs

Niall : but why Best song ever suddenly plays ?

Camille : because someone was calling. Oh god i forgot to answer ! And what are you doing here by the way ?

Niall : cause i thought you wanted someone to sleep with for the night after that horror film.

Camille : okay. *checks her phone* its our manager wait i just answer this.

Camille : *answers the phone* hello ?

Manager : why did you not reply the first time ?

Camille : cause i was sleeping ?

Niall : i just make breakfast im hungry

Manager : what is Niall doing here ?

Camille : nothing. Why did you call ?

Manager : answer the question !

Camille : cause we saw a horror film and he thought i wanted someone to sleep with for the night.

Manager : only sleep ?

Camille : yeah of course what else ?

Manager : ...

Camille : no ! Of course not ! Im only 13 oh my god why did you think of that ?

Manager : nothing nothing. And i called cause im coming with Simon for a meeting with you
guys and get prepared.

Camille : pff okay. What time ?

Manager : now. We're coming. Bye.

*hangs up*

Camille : *steps down the stairs* EVERYONE ?! SIMON AND OUR MANAGER IS COMING NOW FOR A MEETING! What ? Theres nobody downstairs ? Niall ? Where are they ?

Niall : i think they still sleeping

Camille : okay *goes upstairs* *knocks on Juliana's door* Juliana ?

Juliana: I'm still sleeping!

Camille: Simon and our manager is coming for a meeting here in the house

Juliana: what! Too early..

Camille: yeah I know but we have so go get up!

Juliana: yeah, give me an hour.

Camille: they're coming now!

Juliana: fine. 15 mins.

Camille: sure! See ya.

~Juliana's P.O.V.~

Meeting is done. *sigh* so Simon said that the shooting will start tomorrow. Good thing they gave our script a little early so we could memorize and practice. I really can't believe that I got to work with One Direction in this movie! I hope there's a part two hehehe.. I mean, not to fangirl alot but it feels like I have 5 big bros! And I like the feeling! I guess me and Camille are the luckiest Directioners ever. Coz we get to work with them, eat with them, be at a same house with them, and mostly with them the whole day! I feel kinda sorry that I've been rude to Harry these days but neh nevermind it. That's what our manager says even like stay away from him blablabla... Oh yeah I forgot to tell ya. Louis said he has some girl to show to us.. He said it's his new girlfriend. I wonder if she's friendly and we can bond with her? Shopping!


Our Dream Come True ( a One Direction fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now