Oh Harry...

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*Juliana walks over to Harry*

Juliana: *in a seductive voice* hey Harry..

Harry: um hello? Are you drunk or something??

Juliana: nope.. I just want my hug *smirks*

Liam: hey i said explain!

Zayn: something's not right here.

Louis: Yeah i can see that look at Juliana...

Harry: hug? Um yeah sure!

*Everyone looks at them weirdly*

*Juliana hugs Harry*

*Juliana's hand goes at the back of Harry down to his butt (lol) where the pockets are and grabbed hers and Camille's phone*

Niall: what the

Zayn: her hand...

Juliana: Camille run!

*both of them runs*

Liam: Harry... *sorta angry voice*

Harry: oh no I've been tricked...

Niall: dammit she got the phones from your pocket! She tricked you ugh Harry! Why fall for it!

Harry: I thought she was serious..

Louis: Fourteen Harry Fourteen does those things?.

Harry: oops yeah sorry

Louis: hi

Liam: now how do we get that damn. Your fault Harry! You make a plan

Harry : A plan ?! You know i'm not good at that !! Louis help me !!

Louis : Sorry but your fault your problem

Harry : Louis please !!

Louis : Fine Hazza. Camille loves eating right ?

Liam : Where do you go ?

Louis : Harry cook cookies please

Liam : Okay and for Juliana ?

Louis : Who's the closer to her

Liam : Me

Louis : Okay so this won't work. Juliana will be hard to get

Niall : So you're telling me my girl is easier ?! I'm sure she won't fall in your plan

Liam : Who's side are you exactly ?!

*girls' side, a few minutes after*

Camille : I can't hear anything do you think they're gone ?

Juliana : Yeah. I think so

Camille : So is it okay if I go downstairs to drink some water ?

Juliana : No ! If you go downstairs, they'll catch you and you can say goodbye to your phone

Camille : And if I don't take my phone with me ?

Juliana : Not a bad idea but they'll still catch you and I know that you don't want that

Camille : It depends who catches me *winks*

Juliana : *laughs* Oh no ! Camille ! Imagine it's *whispers* Niall who catches you ! What would you do ?

*behind the door*

Niall : *whispers* Louis can you hear something ?

Louis : *whispers* Yes. Camille wants to go downstairs but Juliana doesn't let her.

Niall : *puts his ear in the door* I can hear something wait

Juliana : Not a bad idea but they'll still catch you and I know that you don't want that

Camille : It depends who catches me

Juliana : *laughs* Oh no ! Camille ! Imagine it's *whispers* who catches you ! What would you do ?

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