First Dinner with 1D (oh no! Truth or Dare.)

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Camille : What time is it ?

Juliana: 7pm.. Wanna have dinner together?

Harry: hey girls! Wanna have dinner with us?

Zayn: we heard you talking about dinner.

Camille : Sure !!! Where ?! When ?! Who pays ?!

Niall: now of course camille! Im hungry lets go!! * Niall grabs Camille's hand*

Liam: As Daddy Direction, I pay.

Louis: where are we going?

Niall: Nando's!!!!!

Zayn: we just ate there yesterday Niall...

Camille : nope ! I want to eat in Mc Donald's !!!

Niall: aww no *pouts*


Juliana: can we eat there huh? Huh? Huh? Puweeeessseeee

Harry: Sure love. Lets go guys?

Juliana: i said dont call me love.

Harry: oh um yeah sorry

Camille : I WON !!! *tongue to Niall*

Niall: you're too slow guys. C'mon! Me and Camille are here inside the car for minutes already. Oh yeah whateva you won.

Liam : guys. I have a bad news.

Camille : and whats the bad news ?

Liam: There is not enough place in this car so you girls have to sit in one of the boys knees...

Juliana: wait, what???

Harry: dont worry Juliana my lap is available for you.

Juliana: I'd rather sit on the roof?

Niall: Ugh c'mon goddammit im hungry!! *Niall suddenly put Camille on his lap* *Camille gets shocked and Juliana smirks at her*

Camille : *blush* okay then

Liam : so the McDo is quite far so you want to sleep or just play a game ?

Louis : JULIANA ! Truth or dare !
Louis: just get in and sit on Harry's lap

Juliana: ugh fine.
Juliana: Dare

Louis : Okay Juliana. Kiss Harry

Juliana: Are you serious Louis??

Louis : yes im serious but if you dont want go kiss him on the lips just kiss him in his cheeks

Juliana: *hands on the heart* why? How could you I'm just new here its the first time we've met! Well.. As a Direc- nevermind.. Ok fine
Juliana: *kisses Harry on the cheek*

Louis : Harry ! Hide that ! *pointing at Harrys bone with an r*

Harry : *embarrassed* WHAT ?! *looks down* oh shit ! You guys saw nothing okay ?

*everyone laughs except for Harry and Juliana*

Juliana: huh what? Saw what?
Juliana: wait.. Did i just feel something??

Camille : i know what you felt !

Niall : *covers her mouth with his hand* nothing its just wind

Juliana: Wind? From under??

Harry: Maybe it's just your phone?

Juliana: Oh yeah wait lemme check

Harry: (in his mind) oh my god please let it be her phone

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