Shoot. We're kidnapped.

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Dakota's POV
We we're on our way to the car then suddenly someone hit me with a very heavy thing on my back. I fell on the ground and saw Juliana trying to run away from the guy but he got her and out a hanky on her face. I saw her falling until everything went black. Right now, I just woke up. My hands are tied on my back and there was a little light coming from outside. I was guessing it's daytime. I was on the floor lying down. I looked around to see if Juliana is here and she is. But she wasn't awake wake yet. I called her softly and went to her (wiggling like a worm) and shook her. She woke up and asked what happened. She was also tied like me and she remembered what happened too. I know that the boys and other people who cares for us are really really worried where we are right now. News are everywhere I guess...

Harry's POV (before kidnapping happened)

Harry: Guys, you think it's a little late already and they aren't home yet??

Liam: It's not little, it IS REALLY late.

Zayn: should we call them or something??

Harry: I did call Juliana alot of times but she is not answering.

Camille: Yeah me too! She said sorry to me and Juliana is not the kind of girl who doesn't reply. Guys. I'm worried sick.

Niall: Juliana said the restaurant they went to right? Maybe we can go there?

Liam: C'mon lets go.

*Everyone went to the restaurant finding none of them there. They saw Dakota's car thinking that they must have just walked by the park near the restaurant. They still cannot find them until they saw something.

Camille: oh no. This is Juliana's phone.

*everyone stared at her in shock*

Camille: also, this is Dakota's watch.. I saw him wearing this before him and Juliana left!

Harry: Are you saying that..

Louis: something bad..


Liam: Fuck. It seems like.

Zayn: They've been kidnapped??

Liam: we need to call the police right now.

*Zayn calls the police*

Harry: no no no! I should have not let her go with him!! I knew something bad would happen!!!

Louis: shh Harry it's gonna be fine. We will find them as soon as possible.

Zayn: Police said they will be finding them already. Let's help?

Everyone: SURE.

Perrie : Can I search with you guys ? Juliana and I became close because we both hate Dane Yell and she's nice to me. She's like a little sissy to me! Please !

Louis : wait. I thought you liked Dane Yell !

Perrie : Sorry Lou.

Camille : Can we stop talking about this girl please ? I'm not going to hide it, i don't like her too. But you broke up right ? So she's not a part of our lives anymore. And before all. MY BEST FRIEND IS MISSING AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITHOUT HER OKAY ? *starts to cry*

Niall : Don't cry hun. We'll find her very soon don't worry *hugs her*

Camille : *wipes her tears* Let's go.

Harry : Why did I let her go ? I should have followed her ! Now she's missing and it's all my fault !

Louis : shh Harry. How many times would I have to say that it's NOT your fault ?!

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