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Juliana: Eeew!!! PDA (public display of affection)!!! I gotta cover mah eyes!!!

*Dane Yell and Harry we're the only ones who didn't hear*

Louis: PDA? Who? *goes near Juliana and whispers*

Juliana: oh no Louis i dont want you punchy punchy someone. Or most likely pull all her hair off. That would be better. *winks*

Louis: who?

Juliana: look over there at the dining table.

Louis: Har-!!!!!

Juliana: Stop. It's not Harry's fault. I'm very sorry to say this but it's not Harry who's been flirting. It's your "GIRLFRIEND".

Louis: i dont believe you.

Juliana: i dont care if you dont. Only God knows the truth and that what im speaking. If you dont wanna believe me, i guess the devil is whispering to you... *says in a whisper-like creepy voice*

*Louis looks around scared*

Juliana: dont worry the devil is right there sitting in my place and talking to Harry. I guess if theyre planning to kill someone?

Louis: Juliana stop that!

Juliana: and what if-


*everyone looks at them*

Juliana: Go shout at me! I never knew One Direction is like this whenever there is a beautiful witch around! Go flirt all you can girl. The boys will know your true colors one day, believe me or not. By the way Niall, i thought your close with Camille right?

Niall: uh yeah?

Juliana: if you guys are close and why did you say that she could cheer herself up because shes an actress?? That's a different part you know that!??

Niall: you heard me?

Juliana: you were just infront my door you idio-!!!

*Harry grabs Juliana*

Harry: stop it c'mon lets go to your room

Juliana: yuck dont touch me! You just touched that bwitch..

Harry: i dont like swearing girls. Cmon..

Juliana: so? As if m going to be one of your girls

Harry: are you telling me i had many?

Juliana: it looks like

Harry: you want?

Juliana: want what?

Harry: to be

Juliana: shut up and dont touch me! sorry but its my only way to *steps at Harry's foot*

Harry: OWW!!!

*Juliana goes up and go to Camille's room*

Camille : Juliana ? What are you doing here ?

Juliana: why are you crying? Are you alright? Wait why did i ask that your crying that means you arent.. But why? Is it because of Niall.? Yeah I heard him too..

Camille : i don't know..! he was so kind to me we even had dinner together ! And now, he's saying that im an actress and im fake. I don't feel well Juliana... like *whispers* he's my crush. I don't like any other guy exept of him... and now i know what he thinks about me. I thought i knew him. I thought that he was an angel and now, we fought because of that Dane Yell... i don't know what to think...

Juliana: okay, but remember we need our distance. Stop crying. You'll be alright. You're a Directioner of course you have a crush on him.

Camille : in one side its better cause we wont be close anymore.


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