1 minute to heaven?

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Louis : Hello ! What are you doing ?

Camille : We're talking why ?

Louis : Can I join ?

Niall : Oh no Louis please.

Camille : Sure ! No problem !

Louis : Guys ! She said no problem ! Come on !

*everyone sit in a circle*

Louis : Okay so why don't we play 1 minute to heaven ?

Juliana : What's that ?

Harry : If you're pointed by the bottle, you have to lock yourself with the other person pointed for 1 minute

Juliana : okay but why 1 minute "to heaven" ?

Niall : Well you choose. You can take your partner to another world or just do nothing

Juliana : okay. Let's try it. *turns the bottle* Louis and *turns again* Zayn. What are you going to do there ?

Louis : It's personal ! Zayn ! Come

Zayn : You're going to pay for this Juliana

Louis : *in the room* I have a plan. Why don't we traffic the next round ?

Zayn : Sounds interesting. Continue

Louis : We will point the bottle to Juliana first and then she'll have to go here and we will point it to Harry.

*Louis and Zayn comes back*

Juliana: So?

Louis: hahah what?

Juliana: *smirks* nevermind.

Louis: So i guess its my turn to spin the bottle?

*Louis spins the bottle* *points at Juliana*

Juliana: oh no.

Louis: hahaa! *evil laugh* and.. You go there with... *points at Harry* Harry!

Juliana: what!? No!

Louis: cmon its just one minute.

Harry: uh yeah...

Juliana: ugh!

*goes and locks themselves*


Harry: Juliana..

Juliana: what!??

Harry: please don't be annoyed listen to me you're not like that before!

Juliana: what are you going to tell me???

Harry: Juliana I.. I like you * leans for a 😘 *

Juliana: Ah!! *pushes the door runs and gets out*

Juliana: *crying*'Liam! Camille! Help!

Liam: what why what happened?

Juliana: *sobbing* Ha- Harry.. *hugs Liam*

Liam: Harry! What did you do??

*Camille comforts Juliana*

Harry: I um uh I was going to.. Um kiss her and I told her that I like her...

Liam: what!?? Don't you know that she's just fourteen?? FOURTEEN HARRY FOURTEEN!

Niall: calm down Liam!

*Niall and the other boys are holding Liam*

Liam: Shes too young for you Harry find someone else!

Harry: its not like that Liam! I like her!

Liam: not now Harry. Can't you just wait?? You know she just had amnesia!

Harry: im sorry.. im sorry Juliana.. *goes to her was gonna hug her*

Juliana: don't touch me godammit!

*Juliana runs to her room locks and shuts the door*

Camille: what have you done Harry??

Harry: I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry...


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