I've been shot.

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*Kidnapper's POV*

I feel sorry for the those two whom I kidnapped. I was just told to and it's my job. I won't have money to feed my family if i don't do this. I wonder why my master said i have to kidnap these two. She said that she broke up with some guy coz of the girl I kidnapped. The boy was just an add-on. He was there at the scene so yeah his part of it.

Juliana: Dakota, you see that phone over there?

Dakota: hell yeah!

Juliana: hush. We need to get that and see if we can call.

*gets the phone*

Dakota: you know their number?

Juliana: i dont memorize it but I know Camille's. Of course.

*Dials the phone*

*at the boys' mansion*

Camille : Someone is calling me but I don't know the number what do i do ?

Harry : Don't answer. It will may be someone who'll prank us again by telling that they found Juliana and Dakota. Or a random crazy fan of yours.

Camille : okay. But I have to answer anyway.


Camille : *answers the phone call* Hello

Juliana : Camille ?!

Camille : If it's a bad joke, it's not funny

Juliana : It's not a joke ! I took the phone of the kidnapper ! Hurry he'll be coming soon !

Camille : *cries of joy* omg Juliana I missed you so much ! Where are you ?!

Juliana: help please this phone has a tracker because this isn't a disposable phone

*the boys crowd on Camille*

Liam: lets go tell the police they can track the phone.


Niall: Hows Juliana?.


Camille : Don't shout guys ! My ears god i can't hear anything now !

Harry : Sorry but how's Juliana ?

Camille : *gives her phone to Juliana* Ask her !


Juliana: HARRY! Help us please!!

Harry: dont worry we're coming for the both of you love.

Juliana: please come fa-

*the line was ended*


Louis: dont freak out maybe they just ran out of load or something..

Harry: something!?? The kidnapper might have gotten the phone!

Zayn: dont worry. The police are tracking the phone now and lets go to them so we would know where they are going so we could follow.

Liam: C'mon lets go

Camille : did you find them ?!

Police : Yes. We already send people there. You just have to wait here.

Harry : What ?! No ! We have to go there !

Police : I'm sorry. You have to wait here.

Camille : but why ?!

Police : Because it's not a safe place and we want nobody to be hurt.

Liam : Let's wait for them here.

*after two hours*

Camille : *to the police* They're long ! It's been TWO hours !! What are they doing ?!

Police : They're he-

Juliana : Camille !!

Camille : Juliana ! How are you ?! Why were you so long ?!

Juliana : It's just because the place is not near from here but we're okay. Don't worry.

Harry : Juliana ! Thank God nothing happened to you ! I missed you so much !! *hugs her*

Juliana : Don't worry Harry. I'm here now.

Camille : *smells her* ooh. How many days didnt you shower ?

Juliana : I was kidnapped okay ? Now take me to the mansion I want to take a looong hot bath.

Police : Sorry Juliana but you have to stay here to answer some questions.

Juliana : ugh. Fine.

*after the loads of questions the police asked to Juliana and Dakota*

* on the way to the mansion*

Juliana : We can finally come back home !!

Dakota : Bye guys. I'm sorry again.

*in the mansion*

Camille : It's okay. You didnt know about this so its fine. By the way, did the kidnapper told the police who's the mastermind ?

Dakota: i dont know who the mastermind is but the police would find out eventually. By the way can i stay here for a while?

Liam: Sure Dakota. You're welcome here.

Harry: What?

Liam: Harry stop.

Juliana: i'm done showering! Gosh that was 3 weeks ew. * goes back down * wait.. Someone's on the gate i can hear the doorbell. My head hurts...

Zayn: you need some pain reliever? I've got here.

Harry: you smell good *smirks* I'll go get it.

*the boys heard a commotion and followed Harry*

Kidnapper: I'll go inside and shoot you all!

Louis: Niall call the police! Call Paul!!!

*Niall starts to call*

Juliana's POV

I saw Niall call the police. He was freaking out. Everyone is. Me too. The kidnapper was just right infront of Harry pointing the gun at him. Everyone got shocked I was near Harry. I heard the kidnapper say "I will kill you before the police gets here all of you!" It looks like he was going to pull the trigger. And even before he did, I ran to Harry and blocked him. I heard the gun shot. Not just one, but two. He really wants to kill Harry. But then I saw blood on my shirt, and it extremely hurts. I then the kidnapper shot Louis, because he said it was his fault. I knew that maybe it was Dane Yell who was the mastermind. The kidnapper was shot by the police. He looked dead. Harry, Dakota, and Camille were comforting me saying that I will be okay. Louis has Zayn, Liam, and Niall with him. I heard an ambulance, Harry's tear fell on me, almost everyones tear did. I saw alot of blood, on the floor, and i admit that im kinda scared of it. Until, my head hurt alot and I saw nothing but black.


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