The fight.

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Louis: Hazza!

Harry: Boobear! Why'd you call?

Louis: Just checkin' on you.

Harry: Oka-

*from the other end of the line*

Zayn: just give the me phone Louis!

Louis: oh fine here!

Zayn: Hello Harry??

Harry: yes? What is it?

Zayn: Camille is mad at Liam and I think also Juliana because she left her here and because Juliana asked you to be with her at the mall and not her.

Harry: really? Don't tell Zayn but Juliana has a suprise for Camille and we are still waiting for her gift to be done.

Zayn: that's nice, at least there's a reason Camille wouldn't get mad at Juliana already.

Louis: Harry!

Harry: yeah boo?

Zayn: Louis give me the phone! I'm not yet done talking to Harry!

Louis: buy me shoes!

Harry: sure Louis. I know your type of shoes. Just give Zayn the phone back please?

Louis: Okie!

Zayn: So?

Harry: so?

Zayn: hows you and Juliana there?

Harry: neh she's not mad or something. I guess she's possesed. She's kind to me.

Juliana: who's possesed??

Zayn: oops, I guess she heard you! Tsk tsk tsk

Harry: nothing. Just the lads are watching a movie that the girl is possesed.

Juliana: oh okay.

Zayn: hmm I guess you two are going smoothly. How does she treat you I mean-

Harry: Like a older brother.

Zayn: thats fine with you?

Harry: I guess so, if this can make us closer.

Zayn: Okay Harry, I have to go now. I'm not sure if you can tell Cami is mad at Juliana. Your decision.

Harry: sure Zayn, bye.

Zayn: bye.

*call ended*

Juliana: what was the long call about?

Harry: Juliana. Camille is mad at you.

Juliana: WHAT? WHY!???

Harry: shhh calm down, not here. Let's buy Louis shoes first.

*done buying shoes*

Juliana: Harry please just tell me why??

Harry: you left her there remember you girls were grounded and you get to go to the mall and you left her.

Juliana: I hope she would accept my gift.

Harry: its fine she would if course, you know when me and the lads fight, it dosen't take long. Bestfriends shouldn't fight too long. That's why they are called "Bestfriends".

Juliana: *tears streaming down her face* I didn't mean to leave her there I just want to give her my gift its our bestie anniversary.

Harry: *wipes Juliana's tears* Don't cry I'm sure she will understand you just like to give a gift. C'mon let's go back to the shop I guess its nearly done. *holds her hand*

*in the shop*

Harry: Is it done already?

Salesman: Yes sir, here it is.

*Juliana opens the two boxes*

Juliana: Wow! It's so pretty! I love it so much!

*Done paying*

*went home*

Juliana: I'm scared to open the door.

Harry: Don't be. I'm with you.

*Juliana opens the door*

Camille: Oh so you're back.

Liam: Camille stop.

Camille: *shouts* why do you have to leave me here!? And why did you ask Harry to go with you? You should've just asked me! Oh yeah it's because Harry is your boyfie huh? Fine! Stay with him and leave your bestfriend! I'm so bored here! We're grounded and you get to go to the mall and I STAY HERE?? SO UNFAIR! In the first place I'm too stupid to listen to you getting out of the house now look who's suffering, me! It's me not you! You're so bossy! I even wonder why I became bestfriends with you!

Narrator's POV

Juliana left without saying a word, tears streaming down her face. Camille was almost tearing up, no one comforted her knowing that what she did was wrong. Niall just broke the silence and said: "I've never ever done that to any of my bestfriends. Questioning that how you became bestfriends with her? How can you even shout at someone who was there for you?" and left. The rest followed him leaving Camille but Zayn said something before leaving: "Before you shout at your bestfriend, know the reason why she left you. She has a reason." then Zayn left, leaving Camille very confused.

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