Chapter Eight - You Oughta Know

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I just wiped my flood of tears with my sleeve. I was absolutely speechless. She....she just said she loved me. Me. Jodie Whittaker

' have a husband...don't you?'

'Pah, don't worry about Chris. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, won't we?'

We sat there, together, gazing into each other's eyes. She was so pretty. I didn't know what to do. Kiss? Speak? Turn away? Leave?

'Can I just look so beautiful in this light Jodie.' I tried. That was the first time I'd ever said something like that to her, and it felt so good to get it out.

'Baring in mind we have barely any, I don't know to take that as a complement or not Miss L/N.' Jodie giggled and blinked. 'Wow, I'm getting emotional myself now.'

I beamed at her. I couldn't believe all this. 'Can I.....can I tell you something I've wanting to tell you for a while?' I asked.

'Course you can! Go ahead.'

I placed my hands on her shoulders and looked down. God, should I? Come on, Y/N. Just do it. Fear the reaction later.

'I love you so much, Jodie. The moment I met you, I fell for your beauty, your humour, your skills, you. Everyday I wish I could be with you forever, and be more than just best friends.'

'I know I'm only 20. I was scared you would see me as a little girl who switched to a new celebrity every few months and not think anything else of me. But I really, really love you. And I want to be with you until the Universe itself implodes.'

I looked up at her. She was just staring, mouth slightly ajar. Great, you've done it now. Ruined it all. Anything I might have had with Jodie I had probably taken, stamped on, chucked in the bin and posted to Mars.



'See you tomorrow.'

Jodie stood up and walked down the pier and down the beach. I burst into a mess of hot salty tears right there. I really had just blown it, really bad.

Always on my mind - Jodie Whittaker X Girl readerWhere stories live. Discover now