:skipping breakfast

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Ethan couldn't help himself and while the boys talked about their late night surf, he headed back to the veranda to check if there was any sort of trail between the twos house and miraculously found one that lead straight to her window.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing" shouted August jumping out her skin as the boy from next door swung himself up onto her own veranda and scared her shitless.

The girl had luckily put on another one of her thousands of bikinis and yet somehow in the boys presence felt too... seen.

"I told you I was going to break your bad habits" Ethan stated and the girl rubbed her eyes tiredly and ran a hand through her long brown hair, scoffing.

"I'm not a charity case, Ethan-" August waited for his last name and Ethan with his strong arms managed to haul himself up onto the ledge and land on his feet just in front of her.

"Ethan Dolan" he introduced finally up close to her, offering her a hand for a shake. She laughed at him and took his hand in hers covering her body awkwardly with the other one.

"August Abbot" she smiled sweetly and Ethan witnessed how a dimple grew in her cheek as she did so and it made him look at her in awe. He'd almost forgotten why he'd come over.

"So your first bad habit" he stated opening her door into her kitchen and she rolled her eyes and followed in behind him.

"Yes, please, come in" she said sarcastically as he'd already stormed ahead, she looked behind her to see if anyone was watching the way a stranger had just walked into her house with no invitation.

If she was scared of dying she probably wouldve screamed for help but instead she took a seat on her own bar stool.

"You skipped breakfast" he stated opening a cupboard and somehow managing to hit jackpot. He shouted in joy as he pulled already-made-pancakes from the top shelf.

"So Ethan Dolan" she laughed leaning forward intrigued at the boy who had entered her life so suddenly "why are you literally obsessed with me"

August rested her chin her hand and watched as the shirtless boy presented her with a stack of pancakes like a boyfriend would do his girlfriend.

She wasn't complaining, just intrigued.

"I came here wanting to make a difference" Ethan stated, reading the back of the packet that the pancakes had come in to check if they were dairy free or not- which miraculously they were.

"Ah" August giggled biting into a pancake "so you break into my house because you want to save the troubled girl next door, sounds like every romance novel I've picked up at the library... and put back down"

Ethan rolled his eyes at the girl but couldn't help but laugh, she noticed the way he was eyeing up her stack of pancakes so she stole one from the stack and threw it at his face.

"Ow" he complained as it hit his cheek.

"Oh shut up" August giggled "you're gonna have to deal with me sooner or later, you're yet to learn how much trouble I am"

She bit her pancake exaggeratedly as Ethan snatched a pancake and shovelled it into his own mouth, watching the girl as she dropped from the stool.

Her figure was to die for and he had to stop himself from drooling.

"Okay then, my saviour" she smirked crossing her arms "what bad habits next?"

Ethan looked around for a sign and as he did he stretched his arms behind his head to ruffle his hair not only flexing his biceps but also riding his shorts down lower on his waist.

August didn't even know she'd said it until her cheeks flushed red,

"Cmon you sexy mother fucker, what's next"

Somehow she maintained the confidence in which she said it and although she wanted to crawl into a ball it was Ethan who coughed down his nerves.

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now