:singing in the shower

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"Im the grooms cousins husbands fish, g'day" August teased and Ethan shook his head as the girl rolled over in her bed she couldn't explain it but seeing him there when she rolled over made her heart thump.

She wanted to swear but it was a bad habit and she'd managed to break it with the help of the boy.

Ethan couldn't stop laughing, it always seemed that way when he was around her. He felt so fucking good every time he was with her and his smile never faded.

Going away, going to Hawaii, he knew it was fate.

August ran a hand through her hair and picked up on how it felt disgusting so she sighed and announced that she needed to get in the shower.

Ethan for some reason felt relieved, he needed a moment to catch his breath because she honestly made his heart skip so many beats that he wasn't sure it was even regular anymore.

August left the warm bed not that the heat changed much when she left, it was Hawaii after all.

He heard the shower turn on and the rhythmic patter of the water filled his ears and he let himself sigh into his pillow. August was driving him insane, god.

He didn't know exactly what he was going to do when he left, how he was going to tell her that he only had days left with her.

He had planned to tell her, honestly, give her his phone number and beg for her to stay in touch even though he doubted that her impulsive nature would keep her intrigued by his blunt messages.

Ethan was snapped from his day dream when August's voice travelled through the hut, she was fully going for it. Her singing was kind of off beat but never the less,


Ethan couldn't stop himself from standing from the bed in his boxers and travelling towards the beautiful sound and then impulsively he snuck round the door.

The steam covered most of her body, enough for him to only just see the difference between the creme tiles and her tanned skin from such a distance.

August heard the door creek and she peered round the glass curtain and made eye contact with a smirking Ethan, she jumped at the sight but then fell into a comfortable stance.

"It's a bad habit to sing in the shower" he breathed and the girl giggled.

It was an innocent giggle that caused Ethan to grab the girls wrist and slam her into the shower with a passionate and rough kiss.

"Fuck" August gasped into his mouth.

Fuck indeed.

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now