:talking bad about yourself

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The pair arm in arm danced down towards the sandy beach where a linen-hung band-stand stood centre stage. The sky was growing darker and from even so far away laughter could be heard.

August's eyes fluttered over the nicely dressed guests in hopes to find Winnie and sure enough she was giggling with the bride, her hand on her chest as if she had just received a complement.

Ethan watched August snarl Winnie's way and noted it to ask her in the future but he didn't need to because he became integer by the way the girl plucked a few stray roses from the sidewalk down to the beach, and then sneakily placed it beneath the bouquets from the wedding.

She was ruining the wedding?

She was ruining the planning of the wedding?

"She a rival?" Ethan smirked as the girl took his hand and twirled herself onto the dance floor.

"Indeed" she replied with a nose scrunch just at the thought.

Ethan spun August round and she giggled, falling into his chest as she laughed and Ethan couldn't help but melt at the sight.

The girl after her moment of freedom became distracted with how the wedding looked, she wanted so badly to critique it but it looked so... good.

"I don't blame them" August whispered into Ethans neck as they swayed, a slower song had come on and the pair were chest to chest moving slowly with the rhythm.

"You don't blame who?" Ethan asked confused as he looked at the girls now dropping facial expression, he wanted so badly to lean down and kiss her plump lips but he did none of the sort.

"The brides and the grooms, who wouldn't want to have a wedding like this" August looked around her and sighed "they shouldn't settle for someone like me"

Ethan forced the girl to raise her head to look up at him and he shook his head and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sure yours are just as beautiful. This has nothing on yours, I bet" Ethan tried to convince and the girl scoffed, shaking her head.

"Mine looks dreadful compared to this" she stated "I mean look how pretty everything looks"

Ethan couldn't help but look around in awe it was beautiful and he couldn't stop himself from thinking about having a wedding there at such a beautiful location.

But as soon as he thought of wedding he guilty thought straight back to August.

That was because she was a wedding planner right?

Fuck, right?

"You know it's a bad habit to talk badly about yourself?" Ethan reminded and the girl giggled and he couldn't help himself, "can I kiss you?"

August completely shocked by the impulse jumped upwards and swung her arms around his neck, placing her lips passionately upon the boys.

"Excuse me?" Called a man in a suit and the pair split from their kiss with cheeky smirks "who the fuck are you?"

Everyone stopped in their tracks to look at the pair, August ducked under Ethans arm and began to run away from the wedding as the boy laughed,

"Im the grooms cousins husbands fish, g'day"

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now