:drinking coffee

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Ethan had never met someone quite like August, she claimed she had never even attended the gym they had stepped foot in that morning but somehow her fitness leggings and the way she jogged made her look like a professional.

She'd somehow managed to work him so hard that by the end of the session his face was bright red and he was panting for air.

Sweat beaded down his forehead and yet August still found him attractive, the way his lips curled into a smirk when she watched him as he curled his biceps with the weights.

She'd even blatantly crossed her arms and leant on the wall to watch him cockily lift his body weight up so that his chin overpassed the bar he had a grip on.

While walking out, August thanked the receptionist and turned to Ethan with a genuine smile.

If she wasn't planning an upcoming wedding, which she wasn't because the next one was in a month, then she never left the house.

And yet the boy next door had managed to pull her from her depressive cave and now she didn't know who she was anymore and hell maybe that was a good thing.

"Cmon lets go get coffee!" August cheered giving him a pleading look, she hoped to god that he agreed because she was craving one now much more than she'd ever craved a cigarette before and that was saying something.

"You know" Ethan laughed looking across at the girl as they crossed a barren road and headed for a small coffee shop she used to go to frequently "drinking coffee is a bad habit"

"Maybe so" August shrugged feeling at home once she saw the hand carved sign above the door "but to hell with it" she giggled allowing Ethan to open the door for her.

He had a strong urge to hold her hand as she advanced towards the counter but he restrained himself and instead became occupied with the menu which was carved onto a surf board.

Ethan thought that was sick.

August ordered for Ethan but only because she was sure that he'd be lost within all the Hawaiian words and plus she wanted him to try her speciality.

They sat upon a two seater table and awaited their coffees which due to the lack of customers came quicker than expected.

"Hey that's not too bad" Ethan stated sipping on the cup August had ordered for him, she scoffed at his statement as if to tell him that he should've never doubted her.

"So where's you're brother, and the others" August asked curiously taking a sip of her coffee and almost moaning into how good it felt on her tongue.

"They're going out again probably to do something touristy" he groaned "it's like we come on holiday and we should relax but my brother, I don't think he knows what a relax is"

August laughed at his response and it made her nose scrunch and Ethans heart almost began to pound, he looked at the girl in awe and right then and there he wanted to tell her that she was incredible.

He wanted to tell her that maybe after only six days of knowing each other, he thought he could like her.

Scratch that.

He thought he could love her.

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now