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August popped the cork on a wine bottle and like every night she had been left alone she began to drink it and with little time to wash pots, she decided to chug straight from the bottle.

She limply held the neck of the bottle as she stepped barefooted out of her back door and was greeted with the smell of salt water and a breeze that smelt like holiday.

It was late into the afternoon so she wore a white robe just about covering her bare tanned skin but then again she hadn't exactly expected someone to have been watching her.

"You know we have glasses in our house if you've ran out" said the boy from next door who August quickly found with her eyes as he was dangling from the veranda looking into the same sunset.

"Nah" August responded never taking her eyes off of the slowly moving sun "I'm just cutting out the middle man" she said with a chug of the wine.

She had noticed that he looked so similar to the previous boy so she guessed it was just her luck that she had bagged the house next to twins.

Grayson and the others had left to go late night surfing but Ethan hadn't slept so he'd decided to stay home but he couldn't drift without watching the sun go down.

His leg dangerously dangled off the edge and it made August so anxious that she drank to forget it.

"How long you here for?" Ethan shouted over towards August and the girl laughed into her wine bottle and looked up towards him.

"Forever" she sighed looking out again, yes she lived there but it's not like daddy paid for it she'd worked so hard to get to where she was.

Ethan sighed in response he couldn't imagine how amazing it must be to live in such a carefree place but he had no idea how the surroundings affected the girl.

"Why the alcohol?" He asked finally breaking his gaze from the purple skies to look at the girl in her robe.

August shrugged and tipped the bottle back so the alcohol burned down her throat.

"Why the fuck not" she responded snapping her head towards Ethan but she broke a smile even though she swore she wasn't going to.

She stumbled a little over towards the ledge so she was closer to Ethan and he panicked sitting forward because he honestly expected the girl to trip the ledge and fall from the height that their houses stood at.

"Why are you so bothered about my bad habits, huh?" August questioned and Ethan shrugged as if he too had no idea why. "So how long are you here for?" She asked to fill the silence because Ethan hadn't answered her other question.

"Long enough to break your bad habits" he smirked finally turning to the girl who knocked her head back to finish her wine bottle.

"Good fucking luck" she giggled raising her bottle drunkly before turning from the boy and almost tripping up on her own feet before entering her house.

August passed out on the sofa and Ethan stayed on the veranda just in case the drunk girl emerged again but she didn't and Grayson woke him around midnight to get him into his own bed.

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now