:being impulsive

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August was woken up by a rattle of knuckles against her veranda glass door it must've been early because the sun hadn't yet started to shine through her bedroom window curtain.

In a long T-shirt she had thrifted a few years ago, she sleepily shuffled to where on her veranda stood Ethan and to her surprise his look alike.

"August" smirked Ethan as she opened the door threading her hand through her hair, she was shattered because she'd barely slept trying to sort out her absence of a chef for the upcoming wedding.

"Bit early isn't it" she responded without even greeting him.

"See that's what I said" Ethan complained turning to his brother who rolled his eyes "meet Grayson" he introduced and the girl extended her hand and Grayson took it in a shake.

"So you're the girl who's been taking up my brothers time, nice to finally meet you"

August scoffed at his remark and then turned to Ethan with a brow raise and a similar to smirk to Ethan had held before.

"So obviously he's not told you a lot about me" she laughed and the boy did too "give me two seconds and I'll be ready" she said holding up two fingers before disappearing.

She fished out her nicest bikini, debating on whether or not the twins were worth such a pleasure.

When she'd first laid eyes upon them that morning they both wore swimming trucks, Graysons much tighter than Ethans. They had shirts swung over their shoulders so their abs were on show.

Just at the thought, August drooled.

She rejoined with the boys once she had changed and as they danced from her house she tied her hair in a loose bun upon her head and turned to Grayson who was watching her intently.

With a shy blush he tried to hide the way he had just been caught by asking her about herself. He started with who she was, which she replied with a blunt answer of:

she had no idea.

He then proceeded to ask about what she did for a living in such an exotic place and she laughed angelically. Ethan felt as guilt enveloped him, he'd never asked about what she did or who she was.

And the feelings that followed next was a strong surge of jealousy, hell what if she liked his twin brother more than him?

"I'm a wedding planner, not much to say about that. It's a beautiful place no wonder they want their beach weddings here" she smiled as they hauled themselves up onto a rock.

August's foot kind of slipped but luckily Ethan was just behind, his hands managed to grip onto her waist and place her back to where she could get a foot in.

She didn't want to show him how good his hands felt upon her bare skin so she tried to ignore it ever happened, though she knew her cheeks were burning.

"Have you lived here all your life?" Grayson asked offering her a hand onto the top ledge of the rock they had climbed to. The water below them was sparkling and still.

"No" she giggled "and from the sounds of things you already knew that" the girl turned to see if Ethan too had made it up to the top of the rock, a large beam spreading across her face as he winked at her just from over the ledge.

"New Jersey?"

"Born and bread baby" she smirked peering over the cliff, she'd done that jump one thousand and one times especially when she first came to Hawaii looking for any thrill she could get.

She freed of her flip flops and let her phone along with a shawl she had carried drop to the floor before sprinting to the end and jumping off the edge.

Grayson gasped in shock and Ethan sprinted to the edge his heart pounding as the girl plummeted to the ocean below.

He didn't even think twice before dropping his phone too and diving along with her and when he crashed into the cool waters and emerged he was greeted by her happy smiling face.

He swam towards her and August allowed herself to wrap her arms around his neck and bob along with him.

He inspected her eyes in panic before breathing,

"Being impulsive is a bad habit"

She leant her forehead down on his and her heart started to pound, they'd come so close to nearly kissing twice that she was sure she would've begged for it.

She didn't have the heart to tell him that the cliff was a usual, that it's probably the least impulsive thing she'd done in the whole week she'd been talking to him.

Just as she was sure she was about to lean in the pair were broken apart by a crash in the waves and a splatter of water, Grayson emerging from the water with a goofy grin.

"Shit man that was fun"

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now