:getting others in trouble

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"Your bad habits are out of control" Ethan laughed but for some reason the energy he felt with August made him feel free, even though she got them both into trouble.

All three of them were panting, their backs pressed against the back of a hut that looked out on to the beach, it was getting later into the day.

Ethan had completely forgotten that they were holding hands so when she pulled away to retrieve her phone he felt sad and cold and like things weren't right.

She scrolled through the pictures that they'd taken and giggled reminiscing of the times before they'd just ran away from the mad shop owner.

Grayson pulled out his inhaler it was a good job that he'd impulsively brought it with him because he hadn't ran that fast in ages.

"Do I have to tell you how many bad habits you showed back there or-?"

"Save your breath" August laughed picking a photo of her and Ethan, they were making peace signs towards the camera, she set it as her lock screen and another as her home screen with a smile.

After they thought the coast was clear the trio attempted to meet up with the other boys that the twins had come to Hawaii with.

Upon coming to the place they had agreed to meet August noticed that the blondish boys were not alone and the other figure looked familiar.

"Fuck, duck" Grayson said pulling his brother out of the view of the boys at their location and Ethan pulled August along with them.

August couldn't stop laughing and soon after the boys did too until they were uncontrollable and the only thing that stopped them was the dolan twins friends as they approached.

"What did u guys do to that man, he been screaming at us for hours"

The trio looked over to the man they were meaning and recognised him as the shop owner dropping to the floor out of sight before he could catch a glance of them.

"Your bad habits are rubbing off" Ethan laughed helping the girl off the floor when it was time to retire back to their houses.

"What can I say" she smirked "I'm influential"

When she arrived home on her own August let go of a sigh, she always kind of missed their antic and even though she wanted to go back to the veranda to get his attention again she couldn't help but feel needy.

She should've done it because truthfully Ethan was on his veranda waiting for exactly the same thing.

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now