Jae drunk texts Young K, the famous singer, on Instagram.
ChickenJae: hEY WanNA SMasH
ChickenJae: S(he) be(lie)ve(d)
Young_Kang: Uhm who is this?
Young_Kang: Did you break up with your boyfriend or smth?
Jhyvng.-.: I kNoW wE cAN't be toGEther bCOZ ur An idol whILe I'm jUSt yoUR nORMal AVeRaGe fAN
Jhyvng.-.: YeAHh I JUst waNTed to sAy tHaT
Young_Kang: Jae?
Jhyvng.-.: CJSIXHJ
Young_Kang: tf? is this a joke?
Jhyvng.-.: Young K hyung this is Dowoon, Jae hyung's friend. I am so sorry, Jae got drunk and I'm with him right now with Sungjin hyung. Sorry for Jae hyung's actions
Young_Kang: can I take him home?
Jhyvng.-.: Hyung are you sure? I'll go ask Sungjin hyung
Jhyvng.-.: He said it's fine
Jhyvng.-.: Were at DanceDance Bar just beside Flower Power Up shop
Young_Kang: I'll be omw
Jhyvng.-.: Thanks hyung
Young_Kang: oh Dowoon could you also delete this convo all the messages?
Jhyvng.-. liked this message
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Today at 11:43 pm'
Young_Kang: heyy Pil
Young_Kang: do drunk people speak the truth
Young_Kang: or it's just bluff
Piri-Yeonpil: hyung there's a thing called Google
Piri-Yeonpil: and you can search shit there
Young_Kang: c'mon just answer mee
Piri-Yeonpil: well according to other people. Drunk people do speak their true feelings and thoughts
Piri-Yeonpil: Why'd you ask?
Young_Kang: Jae kinda did a drunk confession to me
Young_Kang: Idk what to do.
Young_Kang: now imma pick him up from the bar place