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Younghyun got back to the dorm and walked to Jae's room. He knocked three times and asked

"Jaehyungie! Are you done dressing up?" 

"Mhm!" the older hummed. 

The door opened and revealed Jae wearing a white t-shirt, green jacket, jeans and white shoes. Meanwhile Younghyun wore a green v-neck shirt with his favorite denim jacket with roses and dark blue jeans. The younger hugged Jae and kept his arm around the olders hips.

"Where's Wonpil?" Jae asked

"Oh I was with him but I think he's already in his room?" Younghyun was unsure.

The two then went to Wonpil's room. Jae knocked


"What hyung?" he answered from the other side and opened the door. He was wearing a long sleeved sweater with yellow and blue stripes, white jeans and shoes. 

"The fuck, how'd you get here boi?" Jae furrowed his eyebrows

"I have my ways." Wonpil said and laughed

"Anyway Jae looks so goat today!" the youngest exclaimed

"Goat?" Jae questioned and turned to Younghyun

"I don't even know this man." he said and shrugged

"Hyungs it means 'Greatest Of All Time'" Wonpil says and crossed his arms

"Bro you're very.......... unique." Jae said 

"Thanks." Wonpil smiled and went out

"Bri I don't get him." Jae whispered to Younghyun

Younghyun just chuckled and they went out, following Wonpil. When the three got out they saw Sungjin and Dowoon just waiting there. Sungjin was wearing a white shirt topped with a blue flannel, jeans and shoes. Dowoon wore a striped sweater, jeans and white shoes. They got to their manager's car, without the manager, and drove to a cafe.

"Hey! Long time no see y'all!" Younghyun started the conversation, even if he was driving.

Then they all started talking about what they could have missed because they haven't seen each other in a while.

Finally they arrived at the cafe. The first thing they do after they got off is go to find a table. Once they did they sat downand talked,

"Is Wonpil and Dowoon holding hands under the table?" Jae asked as he looked under and saw their hands 

"Since when were you two dating!?" Younghyun exclaimed and Wonpil explained everything to the three hyungs.

"I guess I'm the father of these two idiots." Sungjin said and pointed at Jae and Dowoon

"Do we have to get your approval of our marriage?" Younghyun teased and Jae playfully slapped him

"Just do whatever the fuck you want." Sungjin said

"Thanks dad!" Dowoon smiled

"Okay I don't wanna be a dad anymore. Can I just be your best man?" Sungjin asked

"That's cool." Wonpil commented

"Imma order. What do you guys want?" Sungjin stood up.

They all said their orders and Sungjin decided to pay for it all. Few minutes passed and Sungjin came back to the table and started a conversation with the youngest coupls

"Y'know I like this." Jae said and put an arm aroud Younghyun

"Hm?" the idol hummed

"Our friends all together, laughing, telling stories and being so close. It's nice~" Jae said

"Well we could do a Saturday hangout when we have no work." Younghyun suggested

"Really?" the eldest asked

"Yup, let me ask them." Younghyun said

"Hey guys, wanna do this every Saturday?" The middle child asked

"Sure this is fun!" Wonpil exclaimed

"Maybe we could even go to an amusement park sometime." Dowoon suggested

"See they like it." Younghyun told the taller

"Okay it's settled!" Jae said.

Just then their food arrives, Wonpil stopping them to dig in just to take multiple pics. Sungjin tweeting the food he's eating, Jae and Younghyun tasting the other's orders and Dopil feeding each other. It was nice for them to meet up. Hopefully in he future they do more of these.

Fun Fact(?): This was supposed to be the last chapter BUT I have thought of a better way to end this book.

So the next update is the last now :>

Just and early 'I hope you all enjoyed this book although it's kind of a mess'

bye bye!!! ♡♡♡


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